Chapter 11- Pasaana and the Aki Aki

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Rey settled herself into Han Solo's chair, the captain's seat, while Chewbacca sat where he was most comfortable in the co-pilots. Chewbacca always sat in the co-pilot's chair unless flying with someone incompetent; this was Chewie's place and where he felt at home. Within the cockpit sat silently behind them were Poe and Finn. Chewie knew everything that had occurred between Rey and Ben on Ahch-To, and he'd been the one to orbit her towards the Supremacy to meet him. He didn't understand it; he didn't need to. He was apathetic about what Rey had said at the meeting; however, the others seated behind them were making their feelings clear with their lack of conversation. As they entered lightspeed, having checked with the onboard computer that they were heading to the Middian System, Poe and Finn exited the cockpit. After testing that everything was as it should be, placing a hand on Chewbacca's shoulder, Rey followed them. The issue needed to be dealt with before they landed.

"Poe, Fin..," she started, but Poe raised his hands to get her to stop. Hands on his hips, he looked down at the floor of the falcon and sighed.

"Just start from the beginning." Poe's brow was furrowed with concern; he wanted to understand, so Rey started at the beginning. Rey told them everything that had happened between herself and Ben from the moment he'd kidnapped her on Takodana when the bond between them had been created. How Kylo had helped her when Luke hadn't, how she'd gone to him on the Supremacy after they'd touched hands through the bond and how he'd killed Snoke then offered her his hand to lead the galaxy with him. Rey told them about Kef-Bir, the fight, the visions of the past they'd seen together, and everything he'd said on the Finalizer. There were things she left out, her evil inheritance and her using Force lightning; she wasn't ready for anyone else to know this yet; for now, just Ben and Luke knowing were more than enough.

"OK, but what is it? I don't get it?" Finn said innocently, breaking the tension and causing all three to smile.

"I honestly don't know. Even Master Luke didn't understand," Rey shrugged, "I guess time will tell."

Poe stepped towards her, pointing a slightly accusing finger towards her, like a parent reprimanding their child, "No more secrets, ok?"

Rey knew she was going to lie before she even spoke, "OK."

"We're in this together," Finn said as the three embraced, and Rey felt relief at being one with her chosen family as it should be once more, confident that on Pasaana, they would get some answers.

The Falcon jumped out of lightspeed outside of Pasaana's system. Pasaana was a yellow orb in a sea of darkness on the outskirts of the galaxy.

"Let's look for some kind of settlement, then go from there," Poe said, looking out the window at what appeared to be a vast desert.

"Sand, brilliant. Why is it always sand!" Finn exclaimed.

Chewie landed the Falcon near a canyon of rock in which a mass of native inhabitants congregated. The group exited the Falcon with C-3P0 and Finn moaning about sand. The planet was hot, and a sand-filled wind blew about them, much to Finn and C-3P0's dismay. Sand didn't bother Rey, nor did the scorching heat. She had learnt through years of practice how to walk through the challenging landscape of Jakku with its soft sand, raging temperatures, surprise sinkholes, and dunes. The canyon they headed towards was a valley bowl with mountainous ragged rock rising high all around it. The rock was coloured in layers from dark browns to almost white, scorched light in the sun; once, this planet must have had lush land and rivers to form such landscapes and valleys. As the group rounded a corner, they were able to see within the bowl of the canyon. Here, a vast gathering of natives appeared to be in the midst of a celebration. Brightly coloured robed figures appeared to be dancing, kicking up dust. Colourful yellow, orange and green explosions were being blasted into the air. Beautiful fabric kites flew above them like serene creatures in flight. Wooden structures stood within the congregation with colourful fabric ribbons and decorative displays. This planet was nothing like Jakku; hardship and starvation had created a dull, monotonous existence for all who lived there. The colour of the fabric kites reminded Rey of the flags at Maz's castle on Takodana.

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