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Requested by twilight1310

Key: y/f/n = your friend's name


"Good luck tonight! You're gonna do great, like always!" I pull jade in for a tight embrace, smelling her familiar scent of perfume and strawberry shampoo. We hug for longer than friends should hug and I can feel she's reluctant to let go, pulling apart and smiling at me with rosey cheeks. My face feels just as hot as hers does, probably even more flustered.

Now that we're pulled apart I'm able to see her full stage outfit, first one ready for the LM5 tour and my stomach flips when my eyes lock with hers again.

She dips her head shyly with a huge grin and I hope that her chest is filled with the same warm fuzzy feeling that mine is but I turn to look at the rest of the girls and I roll my eyes at them.

All of them are smiling at us and I can almost feel my heart drop out of my ass. Perrie wiggles her eyebrows, leigh-anne is a giggling mess and Jesy is winking at me, all of them knowing I have a crush on Jade.

I walk over to them and pull them in for a tight hug, whispering a threat in each of their ears.

"We'll leave you two alone" Leigh Anne winks at me as they all walk towards the stage. The crowd cheers as the intro starts playing, signaling they have to go on soon.

"Are you sure you won't be lonely babe?" Jade asks with concern, and an innocent face; if only she knew how that nickname affects me.

"Positive. I called y/f/n , she should be here any minute" I nod.

Jade's face drops for a second but is quick to bring a smile to her lips again.

"Alright. Well, I should get going." She turns on her heel, jogging to the stage quicker than she normally would.

I turn around and make my way towards the side stage where I can get a better view. It's where y/f/n would be meeting me and it's not long before I'm greeted with her smile.

"Hey! How are you! I thought you were never going to come!' She yells over the crowd, hugging me.

"I was wishing Jade good luck!"

She turns to me and raises her eyebrow with a smirk.

"Yeah you were, get some!" She says, sticking her tongue between her middle and pointer finger.

I laugh hitting her, "no! Not like that!"

She laughs, hitting me back playfully.

"Don't lie! You were thinking about it!"

"Was not! Everything is always sex with you!"

"True but I know you, you're into all the sappy shit. You probably wanted to " She turns me around by the hip so that I'm facing her, as she pretends to be me.

"Brush her hair back" She brushes my hair back.

"Cup her face" She places her hand on my face.

"Maybe even run your thumb over her lip and pull her in for a deep kiss. That's just you. Cheesy"

I push her away laughing at her roasting me.

"Yeah, so what" I laugh, "at least I don't get one night stands every weekend"

"Correction- I'm the one giving people one night stands" She nudges me as we both giggle, leaning into each other.

I finally put my attention to the stage, noticing that they are already midway through their first song but Jade seems to be out of it. She keeps tripping over her own feet and messing up lyrics, her head keeps turning to my direction.

"I'm sorry I can't do this right now" She says into her microphone as the first song finishes.

I step back, watching as she storms off stage. The music stops and the girls are left calling jade back and rushing to her. Perrie runs over to me, "you have to go talk to her, she only ever listens to you. We need her. Please. Go work your magic" She lightly hits my shoulder, signaling for me to follow after Jade.

I ran to her dressing room, figuring that's where she went.

I knock on the door and a soft, "come in!" Is heard. I don't think twice before opening the door to see her pacing back and forth in the dressing room.

"Jade, what's wrong? What happened?" The sound of my voice makes her head shoot up, stopping in her tracks,almost surprised to see me.

"You shouldn't be here" She says angrily, turning around to face the wall, arms crossed in front of her.

"Why not?" I walk up to her, placing a hand over her shoulder. She jerks it away, turning around and giving me an angry pout, rolling her eyes.

I can tell she's mad at me but I don't know for what.

"Don't you have a date waiting for you? She won't be too happy knowing your spending your time alone with me"

I laugh realizing why she's upset. "Jade.. She's not my date! She's just a friend"

"Yeah? Well so am i" She says then get eyes grow wide, realizing what she just said. I smirk and take a few steps towards her again.

"Does that bother you? That we're just friends?"

"I don't know why I said that" She shakes her head, cheeks turning red.

"We don't HAVE to be just friends.."

"Y/n, I don't think you understand what I meant- "

"Are you sure? Alright, I guess you wouldn't have a problem if I went back and formally asked y/f/n on a real date?" I tease her.

Her lips purse and nostrils flare as she rolls her eyes, "no" She shrugs.

"Why should I care?"

"Cause you seemed to care if you stormed off stage because of it"

"I- "

"No-no let me first. I like you Jade. I really, really like you, more than friends. And I'm tired of keeping that from you for so long"

"Oh my god- y/n stop talking..." Jade starts to say with wide eyes, hand covering her mouth.

"I- sorry- i thought you... " I am confused as to why she keeps interrupting me.

"No- that's not- y/n my mic is still on" She grabs my hand and rushes out the doors with me and pulls me onto stage with her.

"Jade-what are you doing?!" I glare at her, not liking the attention I'm getting, even though fans are screaming our ship name.

"Y/n, I think it's only fair that since you messed up my performance, I can bring you on stage and publicly admit that I like you too" She bites down on her smile.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowd starts to chant, Jade still holding onto my hand.

"You guys! We haven't even gone out on a date yet!" The audience laughs.

"Well hug her you fool! Go on!" Jesy looks at us like we're stupid.

Jade turns to me with a huge smile and pulls me in for a warm embrace, filling my stomach with butterflies again.


If y'all have anymore requests, be sure to comment or dm me! I will write anything except incest. Never be scared to request!! DM me if you're too shy to comment! I will get to writing as soon as possible!

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