BeforeHand 🌬

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Rosé POV:
We were in a plane heading home a day early. I'm nervous to see Y/n. I probably won't see him when I land but still... I'm excited too, I think he finally going to tell me how he feels. I grab my headsets and put them on. Maybe if I listen to music I'll forget about Y/n for a moment. Lisa lowers the divider and stares at me with a funny face.

I smile: "Watching cartoons?"

Lisa laughs: "Maybe, whatcha doing over here?" I show her my phone. "Hey I like that song let me listen too." I hand her one of my earbuds. And we listen to the song together.

I didn't tell Lisa about the talk. I'm scared if I'm being honest, we are all so close to each other. I know she would pick Jennie's side. She dating the guy and I'm just going to be that friend that ruins a relationship. Ugh...

Lisa: "I'm turn the camera on so we can talk to blinks for a moment." I nod and she turns on the camera. We talk about how the concerts went and how we were excited to see blinks.

Y/n POV:

We are in the van heading to the studio to record our new album. Hyun been excited about it, he says he worked really hard on the title song and if Ceo approves it we may have a featuring artist. Dae says the concept is bad boys slowly fall in love with a girl. Wait is that what he said.

I take out one of my earbuds: "Hyun, what's the concept again?"

Hyun: "Bad boys, we have like two love songs though. So probably bad boys who fall involve with a girl."

June: "Does our theme song start with us being bad? Because why don't we try being like nerds and then turning into bad boys because the girl broke our heart."

Dae: "Did someone break your heart?" He laughs.

June: "No, but it be somewhat different I think."

Hyun: "Once we record the songs we will discuss the order and concept again."

Y/n: "Wouldn't that be changing the whole album?"

Dae: "No since the concept is Bad boys. Our songs match up with it. But the storyline is what we are trying to match up now which would be the MV's and everything."

Y/n and June: "Ooh okay." I put my earbuds back on, about 10 minutes pass and we arrive. We head to the recording studio.

Someone POV:

LAX airport, we bring our attention to Y/n parents preparing to board their plane.

Mr. Lee: "Does Y/n know we are coming?" He takes out his phone to answer some emails.

Mrs. Lee: "I've told him before yes. What's wrong with a little surprise darling. Plus he still not telling me about the girl he's dating. Does he not think we get news here." She gets up. "I'm go grab a coffee, would you like something?" Mr.Lee shakes his head 'no'. Mrs.Lee leaves to get coffee.

He gets a phone call and answers it. Mrs. Lee purchases a coffee and walks back to her seat. Mr. Lee quickly gets off the phone as Mrs.Lee sits down.

Boarding attendant: "Flight 109 to Seoul Korea, Boarding First Class at this time." Mr. lee grabs their carry on bags. They board the plane and go to their seats.

Mr.Lee: "Did you bring the motion sickness pills?" Mrs.Lee reaches in her purse and grabs the medication and hands it to her husband. He takes the medication.

Mrs.Lee: "Will you actually be talking to our son once we see him?"

Mr.Lee: "The boy chooses not to speak to me. What do you want me to do?"

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