3.2 //Darkness Falling//

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La Maison de Champagne was the fanciest hotel in the Village, with the best restaurant to boot. At night, with the lights glowing on the pillars between the windows, its pretty yellow bricks were like bars of gold. Since mom's medical bills had started rolling in, Dad was so budget-friendly, he refused to leave the air running when we weren't home. I could just imagine the look on his face if he knew his daughters were going to a dinner that cost more than the electric bill.

Inside, the restaurant was pleasantly dimmed, with fine cutlery on display and beautiful white candles flickering at every table. Anya and Jules, wearing party hats, reached under their seats as we approached, producing shiny noise makers. Sienna took particular pleasure tossing confetti in our faces as Jules and Anya blew furiously, yelling happy birthday as we pissed off other tables.

Margot took the seat across from Sienna. The guest of honor, I sat between Anya and Jules, who wrapped me in a pink feather boa and placed a plastic tiara on my head.

"Happy Birthday, Tammy." The corner of her glossy lips tucked in a smirk, Sienna raised her flask in cheers and took a hearty sip.

"Hey, Margie," Anya cooed. "Does baby sis need a juice box?"

"And some fish sticks?" Jules crowed. 

"Actually, I'd like filet mignon and a sparkling water--to wash down your dry-ass jokes."

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't very hungry, but whatever ordered would have to be salt-less and cooked in a certain pan. I was allergic to salt and iron.

A waiter appeared, filling my empty glass with ice water. I looked up into his face and he winked, flashing that familiar, mischievous grin.

Blue Eyes.

No! I mouthed. Go. Away.

"Hey, creep? Why are you ogling my sister?" Margie had a butter knife gripped in her hand.

"Your... sister." As my heart sank, his smile spread at the news.

"Yeah. And you look like an extra from Not Another Teen Movie--as in, too old to be here."

"Och. When you reach 690 years old, let's see what you look like."


"Margie, chill." Anya took her butter knife, slamming it on the table.

"Yeah," echoed Jules. "You're making us look bad. We can't look bad."

"Why do you care?" Margot shot back. "Furthermore, why are you saying it out loud? You look bad."

Anya and Jules stared back, open-mouthed.

"Okay." Sienna raised her manicured hands. "What the hell is happening here?"

"Tamsyn-knows-about-her-birthday-party!" Eyes wide, Anya covered her mouth and squeaked.

My forehead sank into my palm.

Sienna glared up and down the table. "Which one of you simple bitches spilled the beans?"

Blue Eyes clucked his tongue at me. "Do you see what you're doing to your friends? It's growing. And you can't control it."

I was shaking in my seat. "Control what?"

Blue Eyes glanced at the table. Anya and Jules were mystified; Margot and Sienna were outraged.

"Tamsyn, get rid of him," Margot commanded.

 "Wish I could."

Blue Eyes waved his arm across the table. "Ladies, have a drink--on you."

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