Chapter Seventeen, Part Two - Love and Hate

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"Screw you," Riley replied in a snarl. "I know I picked the right side. Can you say that about yourself?"

            "Hey, guys, cool it, ok?" Lana appeared at our sides, her head bouncing back and forth between us as if she were attending a tennis match.

            "Who's the Scavenger?" I demanded. "One of you tell me."

            Still stubborn, Riley deliberately looked away.

            "It's Ms. Lattimer, the guidance counselor," said Lana quickly. "She's the one who's stealing souls."

            Astonished, at first I could find no appropriate response.

            "Lana, are they sure?"

            Grimly, she pushed her glasses back and nodded.

            "She's here," Lana continued. "She's chaperoning the dance."

            "I know, I saw her on the way in," I replied slowly, still suffering from a degree of shock. "Look, Riley, it's like Lana already said - the Society said I could be involved, so I'm taking them up on there offer. Which means there's a new strategy. You want in? Meet me in the cafeteria in ten minutes. Don't chicken out."

            Without saying a word Riley gave me another strong glare. I stepped aside, watching as he slid past.

            "I think he likes you," said Lana glumly.

            "Ew, that's yucky."

            "You intimidate him. That's like the equivalent of love for him."

            "Lana, it really makes me feel bad for you knowing that you actually believe that," I said gently, resting a brief hand on her shoulder. "Now, moving on. Here's the plan..."

*  *  *

            Approaching Miss Lattimer was simpler than I thought it would be. Luring her from the gym and into the cafeteria was even easier. All I had to do was spin some crap story about how terrible my life was, how depressed I had become, and throw in a couple of sentences about how hard it was to be adopted and have divorced parents. She fell for every word, eagerly almost, and by the time I was done it was she herself that offered to sit down with me in her office. Jubilant (on the inside), I agreed. Her office was on the other side of the school, and if we wanted to get to it, we had no choice but to go through the cafeteria.

            With a friendly smile, I pulled open one of the cafeteria doors, allowing the counselor inside first. Quickly, I tossed a look behind me, watching Lana exit the gym. Her job was to stand outside the lunchroom and watch. She'd cause a distraction if anyone attempted to enter.

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