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Vicky West

I hadn’t talked with my dad for a very long time, so hearing his voice on the other end of the line was consoling. My father and I were very close, silence wasn’t awkward or unnerving with him, it was comfortable. I knew he always wanted me to be happy, he advocated my move to Los Angeles with my mother — telling her that having me close by wouldn’t matter if I was unhappy. She was less than thrilled about my move, but he eventually convinced her to give me her blessing.

When I first got to LA, I never thought I’d get the chance to audition for a spot at the famed: Moulin Rouge. It was difficult to get a job at the small café, or find a decently priced apartment in this city. My apartment wasn’t the nicest, or the biggest, and I didn’t live in a convenient part of town, but it was home. I’d always been accepting of my circumstances in life, I never wanted for more than I deserved, or more than I worked for. I never got mad at my parents when they couldn’t give me things other people had, and I never judged anybody who had less than I did; life is a gamble, and some people are dealt different cards.

It was Friday: my favourite day, and also known as the opening night for the new cycle. We spent all week, Monday - Thursday, practicing the new routine and Fridays were the days we got to put all our rigorous training to work. I was hesitant on performing, now that Harry and I were officially done, but I took Red’s words into consideration and decided that I should use that frustration in my dancing, and put on the best show of my life.

“Attention, girls!’’ Marcel’s voice rang out through the loud dressing room. Laughter ceased, and conversations were abruptly halted. Everyone focused on Marcel, and he scanned the crowd of girls. I could tell he was counting the group, seeing if anyone was missing. “Where the hell is Carmen?’’ He nearly screamed out in frustration.

I swallowed the lump in my throat — don’t let him control your emotions.

‘’She said she was taking a shower,’’ Renee announced nonchalantly. She was forthright, at least.

“Why is she taking a shower when we’re about to go on?!’’ Marcel huffed.

‘’Because she said she felt disgusting,’’ Renee replied convincingly while holding her hands up in defense.

“If she isn’t here in the next three seconds we are going to warm up without her, and if that happens: she can forget about performing tonight,’’ Red exclaimed loudly. The other girls nodded

their heads, murmuring their agreements. We had worked so hard for this, and Carmen’s selfishness was holding the rest of us up for nothing.

“Not going to happen,’’ Jess objected, and I heard Red groaning lowly before fixing her glare on Jess. A few people laughed, me included. “What?’’ Jess asked her with a raised eyebrow and a bitchy tone.

I closed my eyes, pinching my nose in aggravation because I knew that Red was about to freak the fuck out on Jess.

“You just don’t know when to shut the fuck up,’’ Red shrugged, and everyone stayed quiet.

‘’Excuse me? What have I ever done to you?’’ Jess asked her rudely.

Red snickered for a second. “You haven’t done anything to me per-say, but your attitude is disgusting. We all work our asses off, day in and day out, and you and Carmen walk around here like you have something to be proud of, like you’re better than the rest of us.’’ She spoke honestly, and I knew people agreed with Red but everyone stayed quiet. “I’m sure your asinine attitude is amusing to some people, but frankly — I’m sick of it.”

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Where stories live. Discover now