Chapter 10

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The small boy was sitting outside watching Chip play with butterflies

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The small boy was sitting outside watching Chip play with butterflies... Thinking once again. He was thinking about the what was outside the woods. "What's it like out there?". He asked.

"I'm always with you child, so I can't give you a real answer... However, there's a lot of very beautiful places out there... Gorgeous gardens, bakery's that made delicious cake and cookies, clear blue oceans that shines when the sunlight hits it... It just doesn't have more stars in the sky at night".

The boy took in everything the voice said. It sounds wonderful... Which scared him. Everything good has something bad. "And the bad things... What about them?". He timidly asked and the voice goes quiet before answering.

"I don't want to scare you".

The boy smiled, but was actually terrified to hear the answer. "I will be alright... I'm safe with you". The boy says and feels a light breeze hit his cheek. The boy giggles knowing that the voice was happy.

"There... There are a lot of scary people and wolves out there... There's violence and rude people in most places, people do a lot of illegal things cause they want to and cause it makes them happy... Most people and wolves are starving and homeless cause of abuse or not having enough money... Gangs and thugs acting like they own everything and take what they want".

The boy shivers and rubs his arm. He knew that the world was scary, but he didn't think it was that bad.

"Please don't be scared... All things evil gets outshined by those who are good".

The boy smiles and returns his gaze to Chip who was now sleeping. He goes up to Chip and carefully picks him up. While walking back, he looks behind him, seeing houses in a very far distance. The boy made a promise to his self, and that promise was...

To never leave the woods.

The Angelic wolf (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now