Chapter Twelve • A Chance for Freedom

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Jade was brought back to the castle. The leader of the riders had helped her up in his saddle. He rode fast and rough on the outlines of the gardens. Jade had to hold on to his waist in order to not fall off the horse when they made sharp turns around the hedges.

A slight feeling of nervousness came crawling inside of her as they got closer to the castle. What would William be like? The rider had said that he was furious... If what she had experienced up until now hadn't been a taste of his fury, then what was she going to face now? What should she be expecting?

How angry can he be? I only went outside... It wasn't like I tried to escape... She thought, even though the thought of running away had crossed her mind.

Instead of just taking Jade to where she had exited the castle, the riders brought her to the courtyard. She didn't understand why. There was no need to bring her all the way around...

As they rode around the last corner of the castle Jade saw him. On the steps to the entrance William stood, waiting. His hands were behind his back and he had a very strict look on his face. He was wearing a dark coat with a high collar that concealed his jaws from the side. Jade also noticed that he had cut his hair. It wasn't tied in the back of his neck anymore. It was shorter and she hated the fact that she liked it. She thought he looked good in it, handsome even, and it irritated her that her eyes and mind thought of him in that way.

William turned his head towards them. He caught Jade looking at him and the look she got back left her with a cold sensation flooding down her spine.

Stroem was not joking. He looks like he is going to kill someone...

Jade inhaled slowly as she felt her upcoming doom approach her. The leader rode up to where William was waiting. He rode as close as he could and a guard quickly helped Jade off the horse. As soon as Jade's feet hit the ground the leader spoke:

"Your grace." The rider said as if he presented Jade as a prize from their hunt. "She was sitting by the Old Oak... close by."

Jade felt that he added the last two words for her benefit. She threw a glance at him. He didn't look at her, his eyes were on William.

"Thank you, Stroem." William muttered but didn't look at him. Jade turned to face him and his eyes were fixed on her as she feared. He was indeed furious. She didn't need someone to tell her that, it was as clear as day. William's face said it all. The jaws were clenched and the eyes were dark.

"Leave us." He said and everyone left, except the guards. Jade watched Stroem as William gave the order. "Did I stutter, Stroem?" he added when the rider didn't leave them alone. Stroem looked just as confused as Jade felt. No yelling? Really?

"No, your grace." Stroem said quickly and rode off.

"Come on, Jade." William said and went inside.

When the doors closed behind them William exhaled and then turned to face her. Jade took a step back to keep him at a distance. He still looked furious and it made her very uneasy. Was he going to slap her? Was this the beginning of it all? The beating she had feared from the day he had picked her up?

William opened his mouth and Jade braced herself. She closed her eyes and her whole body tensed up.
But nothing came. No slap. No beating.

No harsh words.


Jade opened her eyes in confusion and to her surprise William was not there anymore. She relaxed a bit and searched the room with her eyes. He was walking away from her and up the large staircase.

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