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I know, no sorry is going to make up for the delay I made this time. So, I won't say anything.

Unedited chapter.

Faheem Othman and Yusuf Othman sat in silence, both of them deep in their own thoughts. The hum of the air conditioner and tick-tock of the wall clock was the only noise in the living room beside their breathing. The dim orange lights casted shadows of them on the carpet below and they both kept their eyes everywhere but at each other. The house had strangely went painfully quiet after they had sent the kids off to the haveli. It was a much thought out decision which they both had made considering the accusation Aariz and Laiba had made on their brother-in-law. Hesham Qadar was a family member and moreover, their sister's husband. They loved their sister and could never want to risk her married life.

But they also loved Laiba and if what she said about Hesham Qadar, was true, he had another thing coming.

They would always stand up for what's right even if that meant putting their own sister's married life at stake.


Laiba woke up to the sound of Aariz speaking to someone on his cellphone.

"..yeah, I tried. They ain't answering my calls." He was saying as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding his cellphone to his ear.

She kept her eyes closed as she listened, her cheek pressed against the leather recliner of the passenger seat.

"No, Dad. She's sleeping."

Hearing him talk about her, Laiba suddenly became self-conscious and tried to keep her breathing normal, eyelids relaxed.


There was a long pause, so long that it almost made her think that the call was over.

"Fine. I'll talk to her."

"I don't think she would want to share anything further with me." He sounded tired and fed up.

"Dad, I know her. She won't."

He sighed exasperatedly.

"Alright. I'll try." He gave in.

"Khuda Hafiz."

After he disconnected the call, Aariz glanced at her as he pocketed his cellphone.

Laiba continued pretending to sleep but when she felt his gaze on her, her body involuntarily stiffened.

He raised his eyebrows, apprehensively when he caught her screw her already-closed-eyes, tighter.

Aariz looked away, 'Since how long has she been awake?' He wondered, the corner of his lips curling up a bit as he drove quietly, letting her be.

Laiba had fallen asleep in the car even before they were out of Dehradun and it had been a good thing since the first ten minutes they had spent in the car, in each other presence was awkward and disturbing. They both didn't speak but the tension was too much in the air to share a space together and they had wanted nothing but the drive to end already. So that they could go separate ways.

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