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Laiba changed into her team's B t-shirt, a long grey cardigan and a pair of denim jeans for the game. She tied her hair into a bun and securely wrapped a hijab around her head before squatting down and tying the laces of her sneakers. She grabbed a backpack and packed some essentials for the night before exiting the room and making her way downstairs.

In the foyer, she met Areesha, Essa and Burhaan from her team and Maha and Habeeba from Aariz's team. Mr.Shah, Aariz and Zeeshan joined them a few minutes later.

It was exactly midnight, when they snuck out of the Haveli.

Aariz and Zeeshan, leading them while Laiba and Maha, Habeeba and Essa and Areesha and Shah were walking behind them in pairs.

The night was eerily quiet, except for dogs barking at a distance somewhere. The roads were empty and the street lamps flickered as they passed. The sky above them was dark with no sign of moon or stars. The climate was smooth, almost chill and the wind slightly rattled the leaves on the trees.

They reached the bungalow(which was just around the corner of the back street) and gathered outside the rusted iron gate.

The next minute, everyone were removing their bag packs and throwing them inside.

And then, they began climbing the gate while Laiba stayed glued on her place with her eyes wide and jaws agape, watching them get to the other side.

It was Aariz and Zeeshan first, climbing the railings like some experts and jumping on the other side, successfully landing on their feet. Maha and Burhaan went next, the latter helping the former. Shah easily carried Essa with him while Areesha and Habeeba helped each other.

At last, the only one left outside the gate was, Laiba.

She had never climbed a gate before but there was a first time for everything.

Beside, she was the captain of her team and she didn't wish to give the opposite team an another chance to 'boo' at them.

Clenching the strap of her bag, she moved forward, telling herself that if everyone else could do it, she could, too.

On the other side, Aariz and his team were already heading towards the bungalow and her team was waiting for her.

"Hurry up!" Burhaan urged her.

Laiba nodded before removing her bag pack and throwing it inside. She stepped one foot on the lower bar of the railing and clenched an another railing for support as she pushed herself up. She climbed up, keeping her eyes closed, adrenaline rushing through her body. She reached the top and breathed in and out, careful not to look down as she switched her legs to the other side, grabbing the bars firmly as she began lowering herself and finally jumping down.

As soon as her feet came in contact with the ground, she opened her eyes and thanked Allah under her breathe. She took her bag pack and joined her team as they headed for the bungalow, all four of them walking side by side.

The bungalow was two storey building, made of wood and glass. It didn't seem old, neither did it seem new. Someone had turned the porch lights on, illuminating the entrance area and there was where the Red team were hanging around, some sitting on the porch steps and some standing while Shah was trying to open the door of the bungalow with a screw driver.

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