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Shifting. This is what makes a werewolf...well, a werewolf. In this chapter, we are going to discuss shifting.

Types of shifting

There are two types of shifts: Half and Full.

Half Shifting
Sometimes, the author makes the werewolf into what medieval people thought werewolves were: half-human, half-wolf. When that happens, the human does not transform into a full wolf. They become a wolfman. These werewolves feed on humans and animals, and rarely remember what happened after they come back to themselves. This is also the type of werewolf that only shifts on a full moon.

Full Shifting
This is the type of werewolf that has become popular on Wattpad. It's the type that was either created by the Moon Goddess, or was just there. They are the ones destined with mates, live in Packs, have all that drama. In Bitten, Austin and her friends shift into full wolves, and, as a lot of authors seem to do, they can communicate with their wolf. The wolf is like a conscious to them, and will be discussed in the next chapter.

Age of shifting

Some authors choose a young age for their wolves to have their first shift, but most authors agree with the age of shifting being between 13 and 17.

How to shift

A lot of authors on Wattpad usually have the human imagine themselves turning into their wolf form, while others may have them just will themselves to shift. Personally, both are great to use, just as long as you use them correctly.

The Shift

The shift into a full wolf is usually the most painful of the two, as you have bones breaking and reforming, and organs organizing themselves (hehe). With both types of shifts, there is fur, ears, a tail, a muzzle, paws, and longer, sharper teeth. For now, I'll only talk about the full shift, unless you guys request me to do the other type (by all means, go ahead! I'd love to add to this book!)

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