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Man, clichés are a huge deal in Wattpad. Luckily, you can avoid them if you know what they are. First, I'll list them. Then, I'll explain how you can avoid each.

Clichés of Wattpad (werewolf edition)
The Alpha Mate
The Well-Known, Dangerous Mate
Instant Love
The White Wolf
Rogue War
Teenager Alpha

Now, I'll go more in-depth.

I'll start with the Alpha Mate Cliché.

Okay, I'll admit, we all love the Alpha stories. I have a few saved in my library that have Alpha or Luna in the name, such as:
-The Female Warrior and the Alpha
-My Mate is My Alpha
-His Sightless Luna
-Silent Luna
-Marked by the Alpha
-Vet Tech Meets the Alpha
-And about ten others

Honestly, the Alpha Mate is kinda being overused. How about some stories about a rogue mate? A Beta? An Omega? I have a story in my library called She's With the Beta. Honestly, if one of the mates must be an Alpha, make the female Alpha. I haven't seen one of those, especially a female Alpha with a lower ranked wolf. How would that play out? Try anything BUT a male Alpha. Maybe you'll write a killer book.

The Well-Known, Dangerous Mate

As with the last one, we all tend to like that kind of book. The mate of our heroine is dangerous, but only softens because of her. He has a dangerous reputation, but is actually nice. I've read plenty like that. How about this: If one of them is to be dangerous, why not have the female be the most dangerous, most kick-butt wolf known to wolfkind. How is her mate going to handle her? Tell me about it. Or, you can make her mate the total opposite of her. While she's outgoing, social, and bright, he can be reserved, antisocial, and dark. Anything but dangerous and well-known.

Instant Love

Okay, I've definitely seen this one somewhere. Let me find it. Nearly twenty minutes later after skimming through the few I could still access offline, here it is. (I'll do a bibliography thing at the end, don't worry)
" I fell in love with him right there. I didn't know his name, I didn't even know what he looked like, but I knew I loved him."
This is either from the first or second chapter. I like the book, don't get me wrong, but I'd rather have the characters build up to the 'I love you'.
Maybe, instead of it being an instant Oh, I love you already because we're mates!, it can go from Ugh, I hate you! to Wow, I actually love you!

The White Wolf
Yes, the White Wolf. It's really getting overused. I understand the main character having white or blondish white hair, which transfers to them having a white wolf, but having your character having a white wolf just to make them special is not going to work as well anymore. Yes, I do like I'm The Alpha, but I feel like other authors just want an easy book. Look, your wolf can still have powers that come with being a white wolf, but maybe go for the color of your character's hair.

Rogue War

Oh. My. God. People. Almost ALL the werewolf books I've read have some sort of issue with rogues. Seriously. Here's an overview:
··The rogues are requesting your presence at the border, Alpha
··Alpha! The rogues kidnapped the Luna!
··The rogues are working with demons/witches/vampires/etc.
··The rogues are gathering
··The rogues are using some new weapon

I can go on and on with what the rogues are doing. But what about what an Alpha in a rival Pack? Or a rebellion against the Alpha King and Queen? Maybe there is a huge problem in the Pack that threatens it's safety other than rogues.

The Teenage Alpha

Okay, I know you want your wolf to be young. I really do. But having an Alpha that isn't even an adult is something that shouldn't happen unless the Alpha and Luna die. Listen, if I were an adult wolf, I wouldn't want to follow a seventeen year old. It just doesn't make sense. So, why would you subjugate your Pack to the same thing? At least have them out of high school, kay?

Rejection Stories

Look, this cliché is probably the second to third most used cliché in the werewolf genre. I know you want drama, but you don't have to go so far as to "I, (whatever), reject you as my mate." You can make some other drama. How about they hate each other, but they can't help but be together? Maybe make it Romeo and Juliet style. Something.

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