He's A Boxer!

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After my morning routine I made my way to uncle Joey's gym without being late. I opened the old rustic door as I do every morning and quickly closed it behind me. "Kiddos here!" Mark yelled out as he walked over and gave me a quick side hug "We got someone new joining. Joey told us he's good." Jared said as I huffed in annoyance. I'm used to just the five of us. "Who's the new dude?" Mark laughed "His name is-'' Mark started but got cut off by Uncle Joey. "Kiddo! Got someone new I want to introduce you to." I smiled as I turned towards him to see the guy I ran into yesterday. He had brown hair and blue eyes and was tan "This is Damon. He's new here so when everybody else gets here, introduce him and please show him around." Uncle Joey said with a pleading smile as I sighed "Fine, but just for your information Uncle Joey, the sad eyes and pleading smile doesn't work." I told him truthfully causing Mark, Jared and Damon to chuckle, getting a glare from Joey I smiled at him. "That was good." Damon spoke, holding his hand up. I looked at his hand before looking at him and crossing my arms over my chest. "This way." I mumbled to him before walking towards the front of the gym.

|Damon Trevor's POV|

I chuckled along with the guys as we all got glared at by Joey. "That was good." I told her putting my hand up for a high-five but she just stared at me with no expression before crossing her arms over her chest "This way." She mumbled, clear with annoyance before walking off towards a different section of the gym. I looked at the guys seeing them give me a sad smile before focusing their attention onto Joey. I quickly ran behind the girl to see she's in an open space with a front desk near a glass door that says 'Joey's Training' "I never got your name." I mentioned to her as she turned around giving me that same look as earlier "Don't see why you need to know it." She told me as I opened my mouth before closing it. She had a point. "This is the front of the gym but it's mostly used for fights in the middle of the night. It's super cool when we all practice and just have fun and whoever wins gets to be in charge when Joey is in a fight with someone." She told me with excitement in her voice. I watched as her eyes lit up while talking about fighting "We don't use the front door only new customers do. We kind of just go straight to the back because nobody needs to really see us train." She mentioned as I nodded and smiled at her "Front desk obviously." She mentioned as I nodded "Who stays there?" I asked curiously as she smiled showing off her perfect white teeth "Joey's wife Lily." She mentioned as she looked around before walking towards a different part of the gym that wasn't where we started off. I couldn't help but look at her ass as she walked "My name's Erin by the way. You'll hear about the rumor sooner or later and you'll probably be wondering who Erin is, well now you know." She said as I looked up to see her messy ponytail swinging side to side as we walked down a hallway "Bathroom." She pointed towards it as she turned towards me "You're the girl who slept with the whole football team, killed her mother, is on drugs and tried to kill herself?" I blurted out before I could stop myself, I was too shocked to see this innocent looking girl "So you have heard the rumors." She mumbled while scratching her forehead before turning around "Joey's office. When the doors closed, knock." She mentioned before walking into a door near Joey's office "This is where we sometimes have dinners, breakfast, lunch it just depends on the day." She said as she turned towards me "What did you mean by rumors?" I asked as she sighed "Drop it." She warned as she pushed past me and headed towards the training room.

Joey has me running the rest of the time, but I couldn't help it. I kept looking over to see Erin against a guy. I believe his name was Jared. She kicked him hard, almost as if she was kicking him as hard as she could. I watched as she knocked him to the ground "Way to go Kiddo!" Joey yelled out "Thanks." She smiled at him as I got off the treadmill walking over to Joey "Tomorrow we are full on the train. I'll let you guys and girls know who's next up in the ring next weekend." Joey told us as we all nodded agreeing "Damon, this is Kyle, Jake, Jared and Cole." Mark introduced me, "Hey." I waved to them as they all gave me a 'hey' back. "Kiddo over there was supposed to introduce you to everyone, but since training started she didn't get to." Mark told me as I nodded, "Nice meeting you guys." I told them as they nodded "Nice to meet you too." Cole smiled before walking off with the other guys. I looked over towards where Erin was to see her angry. Next to her was a very angry Joey. "No means no." He snapped before he turned around and walked off. I watch Erin quickly follow him "Hey, I'm going to use the bathroom real quick." I told Mark as he nodded going back towards Jake, Cole and Kyle. I quickly and quietly followed them seeing Erin go into Joey's office. The door wasn't fully closed so I got closer, trying to hear them. "Joey, I need this." Erin said "I can't do that to you." Joey told her.

|Erin Wilson's POV|

I followed Joey into his office and was ready to beg my way into the next fight. "Joey, I need this." I told him as he sighed "I can't do that to you." He told me as I crossed my arms over my chest "Why won't you let me?" I questioned him. The more he said no, the angrier and more annoyed I was becoming. "Because, I promised your mom I would never and I mean never let you even do anything dangerous. I promised her that on your 6th birthday." He said as I sighed "I'm 17, I can take my own responsibilities. Let me in on this and if I get hurt, I'll never box again." I practically whispered the last part "God dammit Erin. I said no!" He yelled making me jump. I turned around and walked out slamming his office door closed seeing none other than Damon. I rolled my eyes and made my way past him only to have him follow me.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and put it into my bag when I heard him speak up "I'll help you get in if you tell me why you said rumors." He told me as I laughed in his face "Go fuck yourself." I snapped at him before grabbing my things and walking out of the door.

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