chapter 10 Banished

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Next day everyone except Hagon went to take care of Lexie

Lexie doesn't know the things that happened the previous day

So everyone other than Oliver surrounded her place to secure them if they tried to escape

Oliver went inside and asked for Lexie. Lexie flied towards Oliver to hug him but Oliver moved from her so she fell on her face .

Lexie got very angry. Oliver wants to laugh but he doesn't want to alarm her. So he came straight to the point." Lexie call your parents I want to discuss some important matters with all three of you." He said

"Is that about you and me " she asked eagerly thinking that he is talking about mating things

"Yes lex it's about us about you and mine future"he doesn't mention 'our' but he mentioned them separately but Lexie only heard the word future so she called her parents to come to the living room

As soon as three of them entered the living room the white witches who are surrounding the house cast some spells to trap them inside the room so that they can't escape

After that Oliver didn't even mind to sit he has to finish and go back to his mate. He can feel her suffering and pain. He feels terrible for not being with her when she is suffering. But he has to do this so that there will be no threat for her or for his family and also carol.

He gave the banishing order and imprisonment order to Lexie

Lexie thought that she is getting something special from Oliver since she didn't doubt his dedication to his mate.

"What is this Oliver" she asked happily with lots of expectations

"This is your's and your family's banishing order you are no longer working for king's enterprise and your family and you will be sent to dungeon and is given lifetime imprisonment for treason" he said without any emotions in his face

Lexie was taken aback by what she heard . She doesn't want to believe this .

"But Oliver you can't do this to me I am your mate . How can you put your mate and family in dungeon" she yelled

"It's prince Oliver to you. And you are not my mate. I found my real mate" he said firmly

"No way in hell you can find your real mate and you shouldn't" Lexie murmured not wanting Oliver to hear her but he heard it crystal clear

"Yah Lexie your curse broke as soon as I touch her so come out of your mask we all know you and your family are black witch" he said to her

"On who's order are you are banishing me " she yelled

"It's my order" Hagon came from behind

"It is my order. As a king of supernatural I banish you to work in king's enterprise and you are sent to dungeon  in my kingdom for using black magic in royal family and make them not identify their own mate" he said

"So you all found out ha... ha.... ha.... Right i am a black witch. I had great plans and mission but it all failed because of you two Hagon and Oliver. I will take revenge on you especially you Hagon, because of you I lost many things. If you have accepted my proposal I wouldn't have to seduce your brother. He too avoided me because you couldn't find your mate. This is all because of you or I would have succeeded earlier." She yelled at both of them

"Do you really think it's because of me he didn't mark you" Hagon asked

"I didn't mark you because I never loved you . I stayed with you because I thought you are my mate. I gave everything you asked because I felt bad for not marking you a long time. That's it nothing else but now I realise my subconscious know you are not my mate and don't waste our time I have to go back to my mate. Do you know I already marked her yesterday and she is testing I have to go and help her" Oliver was taking impatient

"No you can't I will not allow that I will kill both of you" she started chanting

But her spell didn't work all the white witches are at work

Hagon asked his Warriors to tie them with rope with spell for them not to break

At the last moment Lexie managed to escape the spell. She suddenly disappeared but because she used a very powerful spell to break free the white witches spell she lost lot of her powers she has to meditate atleast one month to regain her powers.

So they took her parents to the dungeon and a search party is organised to find Lexie before she do something unimaginable

After that no one seen Lexie anymore

Rachel got both her side powerful since she is mated to royal. she is a powerful witch and a strong werewolf like she expected.

Nobody expected Hagon to appear at the place the were all shocked

But he came because he wanted to protect Oliver so that he can handover the kingdom to him.

After all this drama Hagon asked Oliver to meet him at his office at 7 pm

He wants to train him to become his successor

Oliver went to see his mate she recovered a lot during the time and because his royal mark she became stronger

He hugged her tightly and kissed her

He is very happy still he wants his brother to be happy too

He spent lots of time with Rachel before meeting his brother

Oliver knocked Hagon's room and entered after he was given permission

" Oliver today onwards you are going be my assistant and follow me and learn all my works " he got straight to the point it not a request it is a order

"But why, you can do your work I'll do my work. You know I also has beta work to do" he asked suspiciously

"It's because somebody has to learn my work. In case of my absence at least somebody has to know what has to be done." He said

" Why somebody has to learn your work why do we need replacement" Oliver asked back

Hagon know that Oliver is clever headed and will find out if he is careless so he lied" I am going on a vacation after my birthday. You know I also need a break from this work. It's overwhelming for me so I am going far away to take rest for a long time."

"How long? will you take Carol along with you?" Oliver asked eagerly

Hagon glared at Oliver

"For help" he changed

"No I am going for a long time I don't know when I'll be back and I am going alone. I can't take anybody with me to the place I am going" he murmured the last part

Oliver accepted this he also wants his brother to take rest but he will find a way to send Carol along with him

That night Rachel and Oliver finished their mating process

He also started training with Hagon without knowing it's a trap and happy to help his brother take rest but he didn't know it is eternal rest

Happy Christmas everyone 🎉🎉🎉❄️❄️❄️

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