Chapter 20 Baby

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Carol was happy she is pregnant with her and Hagon's baby

It's been 2 months she found that she was pregnant. Rachel's grandma way here to help both her granddaughters. Sofia was overexcited to have more grandchildren.

Eventhough Carol freaked at first then she took everything sportively and was curious to know more.

Hagon never left Carol's side . He was overprotective of his mate and child. She is three months pregnant. She didn't experience any morning sickness or tiredness. More like everything is upside down. She is more active. She crave more food.

Hagon visited all the restaurant in the town to make his mate happy.

Rachel's grandma found that carol have all elemental power as well as she can heal people and also create portal to teleport. She also can feel any supernatural in pain and go for their aid with help using her teleporting power.

She taught her how to use her power. Carol also learned many other things from grandma.

Grandma Helen was appointed to work in the palace. She is appointed as the kitchen supervisor. She has to provide the pregnant ladies with nutritious food. This made carol happy. She can taste different varieties of food. Still she send Hagon to buy various food at night times.

On the other hand Rachel can't even go near food. She is 5 months pregnant but still she can't keep any food in her stomach. She literally living only with soups. Oliver was worried about her health very much.

They have appointed in hospital to take their 2nd ultrasound today. But Rachel is already exhausted from throwing up. So Oliver cleaned her and dressed her. He carried her to the car which is waiting outside.

Hagon is sitting with Carol in back seat. They are taking their first ultrasound today. He is tired because of lack of sleep. But Carol is like so active she wants to run to the hospital.

Oliver know that Hagon doesn't have energy to drive so he placed Rachel in the passenger seat and went to drive.

In hospital both the couples are waiting in the VIP room for gynaecology doctor.

Soon a lady in he mid 50 appeared. She is the very experienced and skilled supernatural gynaecology doctor.

She reviewed the old records. Then she asked the nurse to prepare for the ultrasound.

First Carol was asked to lie down in the bed. She raised her top to reveal her small round baby bump.

The doctor applied the gel in the transducer and slowly moved it on the surface of her stomach. She giggled because of the tickling sensation. Hagon was standing by her side holding her hands.

Doctor showed them their baby and they also heard their baby's heart beat. Which made them more happy. The doctor told them that the future king is very healthy and growing perfectly.

Next it's Rachel's turn. She also laid in the bed. The doctor as usual applied gel and moved the transducer in her abdomen.

She stopped midway. Then she started checking the old records. She suddenly asked whether the previous doctor told anything. This made both Oliver and Rachel worry about their baby. Oliver was already worried because of Rachel's morning sickness. And her bump is small for 5 months. The doctor again scanned her then checked the records. " Why they didn't find it earlier" she said herself with frown on her face. Rachel is almost is in the verge of crying.

"Please tell us what is wrong. Is there any problem with the baby" Oliver asked.

"No. no problem. Actually you are having two babies in your belly " the doctor said before proceeding her scan. This made both Oliver and Rachel double happy. Oliver face was overflowing with pride. Rachel can't even mask her smile. ( A/N This incident happened to me when I am pregnant with my twin girls. Eventhough I exaggerated it but the doctor really made us worry for sometime before telling us I am having twins. But it was our happiest day)

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