Chapter 2 | This Can't Be Him

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"I recognized you instantly, all of our lives flashed through my mind in a split second. I felt a pull so strongly towards you that I almost couldn't stop it."
- J. Sterling



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Pack wolves.

Judging from the powerful aura, most probably a Beta was present. A well-built, attractive man walked from behind them and stood before me. So this, was the Beta. Tattoos covered his veiny forearms, his shirt covering the rest.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" He inquired.

Well I being myself struggled to form a lie smoothly, "Um... My name is Blythe. Uh I was at a party with my friends and I walked into the woods to clear my head in the midst of it. Three men approached me and tried to... uh... acted... uh... tried to misbehave with me. I ran away from them as they chased me. I stopped here realizing they had stopped too. But um... they are not here." I stammered for a dramatic effect hoping that I sound convincing.

Lying had never been my piece of cake.

And that itself was a lie.

The Beta looked at me thoughtfully and mind linked someone. Gazing into his eyes, I concentrated on his mind link. Listening to another's mind link was one of the perks of being a Silverette wolf.

"Alpha, she doesn't have any scent. Even humans have scents but she doesn't and claims to have been chased all over here from a party. The only party around here tonight is nearly twelve miles away." What!? I ran all the way!

"Bring her to the PIR, Jake." Shoot! What the hell was the PIR? Parent in Room?!

"Sure, Alpha"

"Please come with me. Our Al- head wants to meet you," he told me. "Uh well... alright..." I dragged hesitantly. Taking my hesitation as a sign of my human nature, "It's alright Blythe, we're just trying to help you," he said patiently. I nodded, signaling him to lead the way.

I was escorted into a well modernized building. We took the elevator to the ninth level. The whole place was filled with a deafening roar of silence. A couple of pack wolves walked past us, smelling strongly of bleach, making me scrunch my nose.

The Beta, whom I had assumed to be Jake, walked me into the Pack Interrogation Room as mentioned on the automated sliding doors. So that was what PIR meant.

There was a large conference table with chairs surrounding it. He motioned me to sit and walked himself out.

I sat myself at the furthest end of the table, meddling with the sleeve of my jacket. As I'm left alone in the room, I strained my ears to listen to what was happening beyond the doors.

There were footsteps. Strong, domineering but somehow down-to-earth footsteps. Seemed like an Alpha. Probably some stuck-up one.

Okay, I seemed creepy, judging footsteps.

They halted just outside the doors, where I assume Jake is. Then I heard the most soothing, melodious and husky voice I had ever heard.

"Where is she?"

"She is inside, Alpha. I told her that you wanted to meet her."

Before Mr. Husky voice replies, another person comes running to these two, making Jake utter, "Whoa! Slow down, Chris." A deep heaving of breaths resonated before that person started speaking.

"Alpha, our men have found two dead bodies in the area you told to search. Both seem to be rogues. Murdered in a very gruesome manner. Clothes were ripped and the bodies were soaked in blood. We are digging further in because the blood stench seems to be spread to the other end of the woods," said the third person.

Oh my Goddess! This is getting serious. Why did they have to interfere so much?

'Maybe because you have murdered rogues on their territory,' intervened my wolf.

'I've done a favor then right, I've killed rogues for them.'

'But they think you are human, and a human murdering three he-rogues in a 'gruesome' way is not favorable,' she chimed. Damn, the wolf was right.

"Search further and keep me updated." Once again my Mr. Husky voice replied. 'Chris' mumbled a "Sure Alpha, will do" and walked off, his footsteps receding. As soon as he walked off the Beta began, "Something's off."

"Yeah, I feel that too. You know what, I'll deal with that girl. I will talk to her and see. Are you sure she is completely human?" to which the Alpha received no response. And then there was complete silence. Not the comfortable one with peace and calm but the one with lots of unspoken questions hanging in the air.

After a never-ending minute or two, the doors slid open as a mixture of pinewood, fig-tree and lemon, all my favourite scents rolled in one, filled the air. All of a sudden I found it hard to breathe. My lungs seemingly fought for oxygen. My throat tightened painfully.

This scent is so overwhelming and agonizingly nostalgic.




This could not happen. This could not be him. I felt his scent wrap around me.

As an answer to the million questions in my muddled mind, I found the most captivating and memorable blue eyes settle in front of me. And my wolf chanted for the second time in my life,"Mate! Mate! Mate!"


Hi guys!
Hope you liked it. This chapter was really short but I'll make up for it in the next.
Q: Which is your birth month?
A: Mine is October
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Love y'all.... Mwah:)

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