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لمبی یے غم کی شام ، مگر شام ہی تو ہے!


Golden sun rays, chirping little birds, but despite all that; the bright morning seemed sombre for Gulaab.
Her beautiful face was void of any expressions; just that angry frown on her forehead.
Her mind was taking her back to what happened yesterday.
That man. That monster.
She could still feel his loathing touch on her lips.
No matter how many times she rubbed her lips, to shrug off that caress. It was still there...
Should I tell my Akhii? Should I tell my parents?
She contemplated.
After taking a warm shower and changing into her clothes; she maked her way downstairs.
Like any other day; the whole family was sitting on the dining table.
She sat on her usual seat; between Akhii and Murtaza.
Her baba asked how she slept lastnight and her Amo jaan was serving her breakfast.

"Rose, don't be so gloomy this early in the morning"
Gulaab glared at Murtaza, who was busy shoving his sweet porridge in his mouth.
He looked as good as ever, clad in a beige turtle neck and blue washed away jeans, hairs styled back.

"It's Gulaab, Murtaza bhai"
Azar smiled fondly at them, when they started bickering.
It was always like that, whenever Gulaab was feeling down, Murtaza always cheered her up.

"Azar bhai, I have no classes today. How about I drop Ammara and Gulaab?"
Murtaza asked, wiping his hands using a napkin.
He threw a teasing glance at Gulaab,
Gulaab glared back at him.

"Yeah sure"
Azar smiled then continued.

"Take care of yourself Gulaab beta"
With that Azar left for his office.

"Let's go girlsss"
Murtaza yelled loudly.
Gulaab and Ammara stared at each other, clearly bothered by him.

They were now sitting inside Murtaza's car; Gulaab on the front seat with Murtaza and Ammara on the back seat.
Murtaza had now turned on his radio. An upbeat song playing that gave an headache to both Ammara and Gulaab.

"Murtaza bhai...turn this off! we have a test today and I'm already forgetting what I memorized"
It was Ammara.

"Yes, turn this off Murtaza bhai"
Gulaab teamed up with Ammara.
Murtaza turned off his radio in sour mood.
Whiny little brats
He muttered under his breath.


Ebek was infront of Gulaab's university, hoping to see her today before going to his own company.
He was forgetting his daily errands, his work, his family....because of Gulaab.
He despised himself for kissing her that day, she was innocent.
She wasn't one of his flings or his one night stands.
He learned to give respect to Gulaab; because she wasn't one of those girls who fell in his lap like a ripe plum.
She was different.
It wasn't impossible to win her, he can get her right now with a snap of his fingers but he have to wait.
He have to make her fall for him.
Maybe; some day she will feel the same as him.

"Lalla, miss Gulaab is here"
Zameer informed him.
Ebek stared ahead; his cavernous eyes caught Gulaab.
She looked as angelic and ethereal in her baby pink shirt and trousers, a light blue jean jacket, her head was covered by the matching baby pink veil, few of her rouge hairs were framing her face.
He saw a boy, probably a few years younger than him pat Gulaab's head and he saw how his flower smiled back at the guy.
He didn't liked it one bit.
Even though he knew, that this guy was her cousin.
After giving a last glance her way, he gestured zameer to start the car.
Soon; he was driving away from Gulaab.

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