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Qarboonat was a small village, nestled between magnificent frosted mountains and gigantic pine trees.
It was known as a famous tourist spot because of its breathtaking beauty.

"There's a huge waterfall if we climb down there. I wanna see it"
Jamal said with excitement.
Shadman snickered and lighted his cigarette.
He wanted to go back and drink the plenty scotch that he brought with him.

"I wonder if the girls of this place are just as beautiful"
Shadman joked.
Jamal cringed and focused back on his photography.

They were slowly climbing down the meadow, Jamal smiled brightly staring at the hurdle of small sheeps, their ruffled fur looked as soft as cotton.
Shadman smoked a long cush of his lighted cigarette, seemingly.

Charta ze
A feminine voice ringed in the forest.
It was so dulcet that both Shadman and Jamal searched for the person who spoke those pleasant sounding words.
A few feet away from them, a young girl was chasing a rebellious sheep who was running away from the hurdle.
She looked like a lost fairy that descended down on this earth. Her pale complexion reminded him of the shiniest opal stones, her hazel green eyes were the reminiscent of a dark sky littered with brightest stars, her full lips were as red as a garnet.
She was wearing a traditional pink colored attire with a huge black shawl that was wrapped around her head in a way that none of her hairs were visible.

Shadman Awarkzai's breath caught in his throat, but he still managed to draw in a stream of air.

"Hey girl. Stop!"
Shadman yelled in pashto while climbing down the trail following that girl.
It was a first.
He had never followed a girl before.
It was always girls who chased after him.

The little temptress halted in her steps and turned around; staring at him with her curious fawn eyes.

This tall stranger was towering over her short form with charcoal black eyes and a chiseled face.

e resembled the prince that her friend Shanzay always talked about.

"What's your name little girl?"

Her sweet voice draws him forward like a siren song and he's rendered; unable to do anything but to be enchanted by it.
Shadman smirked at the trails of crimson that warmed her cheeks.

"Armeena...What a beautiful name. How old are you?"
Armeena looked back at her dear sheeps hurdling forward without a care in the world.
She should have been home by now...

"Sahib I'm 16"
Armeena said with a cute smile blooming on her lips.

"I-I ...I will go now"
Armeena stammered, the speed of her heartbeats was confusing her.

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