Chapter 1 Invitation to Visit

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     Marinette blushes as she remarks, " I mean he looks nice, but I wish I could see him in person without it being through video chat."  

     "Wow, you sound like you like him a lot," Chloe remarks.

    "She is in love, I can tell." Alya teases Marinette

        Elsewhere with Adrien, he thinks,  I wish I could take her on a real date.

          Adrien's  POV:
  Someday I plan to meet her in person, date her and maybe even marry her!

    "Adrien, I suggest you invite this girlfriend of yours for a visit," Gabriel says.

    "Wow, that sounds like a splendid idea,"  Emilie agrees.

     "You want her to come to our house, you can not be serious!"  Adrien's sister scoffs.

    "We are serious as we can be daughter,"  Gabriel remarks.

    "We want to meet this Marinette Adrien keeps telling us about anyway," Both her parents say at the same time.

     "I will let her know as soon as possible, and thanks, mom and dad!" Adrien says. He feels embarrassed that he does not have his apartment yet.

   Adrien's  POV:
 He thinks, Marinette here in person?  He can hardly imagine it.

  Marinette sends Adrien another email message.



Dear Adrien,

How are you?  I  know it is been a day since we last spoke, but I miss you.

Silly is it not?  I mean we only met online, spoke through video chats, Instagram, phone calls, and emails;  yet I miss you.

What is it like where you live?  Here in Paris, it seems like things never get old as there is always one adventure after another.

At least my best friends, Alya Cesaire, Alix Kubel, and Chloe Bougerious make the place less boring.  Alya especially makes me laugh with her "pasta is so gross," remarks even though she has never tasted any.  Then Alix is kind as ever while Chloe tends to speak her mind.

Nino is Alya's boyfriend, he tries to keep her in line, but this hard since he lives two thousand miles away now. He abroad for college and has yet to come home.

   Then, there is Nathaniel this redhead, artist, who is shy, but has a crush on Chloe!  I have to admit he is rather persistent in his pursual of her as she has turned him down at least ten thousand times now.  Who is counting though?

I know you think it is strange a girl like me ended up with a guy like you. Well, the thing is the guys who asked me out were either odd, taken, or looking for an excuse to cheat on their girlfriends. Others had no interest in me, I know we met months ago, but somehow it seems like it has been years.

I hope one day I can meet your father, mother, and twin sister of yours you say was born a few minutes before you. I am not sure why, but I think it would be nice to see how they are in person.

My parents both raised me okay, I guess. I never had any siblings. Mom once thought I would be a twin, but just had me. 

Well, hope to hear back from you soon. In the meantime, I plan to binge-watch all the Seasons of Fuller House on Netflix.

Yours,  Marinette

    Marinette looks up from her computer wonders if she said to much, but hits the send button. She can not wait to see what  Adrien's response will be like anyway.

    One week later, she gets a reply back from Adrien that surprises her. She can not wait to tell Alya, Alix, and Chole.

   Marinette's text to Alya

My boyfriend wants me to visit him and meet his parents, and his twin sister in person.

Alya's text to Marinette

 Wow, girl sounds like you better go pack then!

  Alix's text to Marinette

I think you should too.

Chloe asks, "Not to be rude but should not we let Marinette decide for herself rather she stays or goes?"

"Yes, sure it is her decision to make," Alya says. She thinks, I would be surprised if she does not go

    Marinette giggles because she thinks her friends are funny when it comes to their responses.

Adrien thinks, will she even come?   He supposes only time will tell.

"Did Marinette ever get back to you yet?"  Gabriel asks.

"Your father and I want to know so we can make sure we have enough food when she arrives!" Emilie says.

 "I think this girl is to shy to show up." Adrien's sister says.  She thinks perhaps he made her up and she is not even real.

   "Well, what did she say?"  His parents ask again.

 "She did not respond yet to the email I sent. What is the rush anyway?" Adrien answers.

"I mean I only recently sent the email so it might take a while to get a response," Adrien says.

"Ok, well we hope she can be here in time to celebrate your birthday!   Besides, it would be cool to celebrate it with your girlfriend, right?"  Emilie says.

In Love with My Online Girfriend by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now