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It was almost four-thirty and I was arranging some documents in order which needed Xavier's attention. I was about to stand up to go into his office when he himself walked into my office.

"I'm going out for some work so, I won't be able to drive you back. Finn will drive you back, I have already informed him." He informed me.

"Okay," I said without standing up from my chair. Then without saying anything else, he left my office.

What important work he had? There was even no meeting scheduled for the particular time.

I shrugged my shoulders and focused back on the documents. I huffed. He's gone which meant I had no work till he comes back. 

I decided to meet Lauren, I was too occupied with work that I couldn't meet her since the morning. My ankle had not healed completely but the pain was a little less.

I went to her office and knocked on the door.

"Hi, Lauren."

Her eyes lit up seeing me. "Hey, you finally got time to meet your poor friend." She said sarcastically but smiled at me.

"Sorry Lauren, I have been so busy that I even didn't have lunch," I said, sitting on a chair in front of her desk.

"I have been occupied as well because my boss is in a really bad mood today. He snapped at me for even negligible mistakes." She huffed.

Sean? He's not in a good mood? I don't know what's going on. Why three of them are in a bad mood?

"Mr. Knight was also in a bad mood. I wonder what happened. You know anything?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"You don't know?" She asked, making a weird face.

"No?" I frowned.

"In which world do you live, Ariana? Since morning, everyone in the building is talking about just one thing. Though the magazines are being taken down, I still have one copy with me. Here, have a look." Lauren said, taking out the magazine from the drawer of the desk and slid it towards me.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I couldn't believe my eyes. Pictures, pictures of four of us were printed in the magazine. But that was not the shock. The actual shock was the article printed with the pictures.

And the article was written by none other than Sarah Park. The one whose friendship broke with Xavier because of me.

She did it, she did threaten to take down Xavier's reputation, she had succeeded in it. And all that happened because of me.

This is why he was angry since the morning, this is why Daniel and Sean were in a bad mood. This is why Xavier threatened to fire Bianca and Diana.

And all this happened BECAUSE OF ME.

I don't know when my hands started shaking and the magazine fell from my hand.

"Hey, hey, Ariana, it's okay. I know you're shocked to see another woman in Mr. Knight's arms after he kissed you. But hey, it's okay. It's not the end." Lauren came to me and patted my back.

But she didn't know that what she said was the least of my concern. No one knew that the woman in his arms was me, he was securing me from Paparazzi.

I didn't care about myself because I was no one. No one knew me and would never get to know me. I was worried about Xavier's reputation, three of their reputation, company's reputation which was almost ruined.


"Lauren I n.. need to l.. leave." Saying that I rushed out of her office, I didn't stop even when she shouted for me. Picking up my laptop bag from my office, I left the building. I didn't care if work hours were not over. I just wanted to go away, I wanted to go to the place which provides me tranquility. I wanted to go home.

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