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Happy new year

Enjoy the third update of the day.


Xavier Knight

When I entered my penthouse, I heard some muffled sound. I strode into the living room to see Ariana lying on the couch and her body was shaking.

I immediately rushed to her. Her eyes were closed, she was sleeping and was murmuring something.

" please hurts.. please don't... it hurts."

Goodness, she was having a nightmare! I immediately kneeled to her level and gently shook her.

"Ariana? Wake up."

Instead of waking up, she clung to my arm.

"Dad.. me hurts." She mumbled.

Her move shocked me. What happened to her? Why was she asking for help? What was hurting her? Had someone hurt her?

My jaw clenched automatically on the thought of someone hurting her.

"Ariana, wake up, it's just a bad dream" I tried to wake her up but she didn't open her eyes.

"Dad please come and save me." She whimpered. She wanted her father to protect her from something or maybe someone. She had been missing her father.

I again tried to wake her up but she just kept on shivering. I picked her up in my arms and walked to my bedroom. No way in hell I'd let her sleep alone in this condition. She sounded scared. She was scared of something.

She snuggled into my chest and mumbled something which almost made my heart stop beating.

" me... It hurts"

She wasn't aware of her surrounding, she didn't know what she was saying but it made me happy that she trusted me enough to keep her safe. And I'll do it, I'll keep her safe from this cruel world.

"I'm here, Ari. No one is gonna hurt you. I have got you. You're safe." I whispered and kissed her forehead.

As if she heard me, she stopped trembling. I felt relieved that she trusted me.

I placed her in my bed and reached for the duvet to cover her but stopped when my eyes fell on her swollen ankle.

I frowned. How and when did that happen? And why hadn't she applied any medicine to it?

Sighing, I went into the bathroom and picked up ointment and crepe bandage from my first-aid kit.

I then sat near her and placed her foot on my lap. I applied pain relief ointment on the swollen part and rubbed her ankle for a few minutes. Then, I wrapped her ankle with the crepe bandage and gently placed back her foot on the bed.

I covered her with the duvet till her chin, she immediately snuggled into the warmness of the blanket. I was about to leave to put back the ointment in the cabinet when she stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

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