9. Mason; Playing too hard

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Brandon had twisted my arm convincing me to go out and play basketball with him. Basketball wasn’t the same with him anymore my body always lit up whenever he touched me making me loose focus meaning he always won. I’m sure he knew something was up so we hadn’t played in a couple of weeks now. Today I had to ignore it. Brandon started with the ball bouncing it from hand to hand as I watched planning my moves to take it from him. I launched for it in one quick movement grabbing it then spinning my back on him running across the small court which was just our backyard patio. I paused momentarily to line myself up before shooting taking a step back to watch my handy work as it went in. “Ohhh okay then Walker you want to play like that today.” He made note of how I wasn’t messing around running to collect the ball as it bounced it’s way across the yard. I took off for it to neither of us looking where we were going as we dived to get it first shoulder bargaining each other bringing us crashing down to the ground me first and Brandon on top our chests colliding knocking the air from me. Once I realised what was happening and had my breath back I shoved a laughing Brandon from off me making him land beside me on his ass his legs still tangled with mine. “Okay mate calm down.” He still laughed after being victim to my fast reaction to our touch.

“Why wouldn’t you just let me take it?” I rose my voice moving my hand to my shoulder that throbbed from it colliding with the ground
“I could ask you the same question.” He rose an eyebrow at me. We were silent after this as I continued rubbing my shoulder. “Just let me see.” He sat forward trying to make me show him my shoulder. I was stubborn though brushing him away smacking his hands down. He didn’t give up laughing at how ridiculous I was being he took hold of my t-shirt pulling on it for attention. “Stop being a brat.” He teased pulling me towards him. Again like always I gave in to him moving forward while pulling my shirt up over my head to reveal my back. “Fuck dude no wonder your grouchy that looks like shit.” He whispered taken a back.

“I’ll be fine.” I lied dropping my t-shirt trying to hide the pain that shot through me as I did. Brandon was the first to get to his feet outstretching his hand to help me up. I took it getting to my feet us standing in front of each other our eyes catching longer than they should of.

“Let me help clean you up.” It was only then I realised his hand was still in mine as he pulled it leading me towards the house. I followed not bothering to move my hand from his until we got into the kitchen and he went into the medicine cabinet for the first aid box. “Shirt off.” He ordered as he did and I listened again screwing my face up as I moved my shoulder. He fingered for me to spin around meaning my stomach was pressed into the kitchen sink him so close behind me I could almost feel from breathing. I jumped as I felt the cold anti-bacterial wipe wash over me again making me flinch at the pain. “Sorry.” He mumbled his spare hand slipping making me jump yet again onto my hip for comfort. “I’m nearly done.” He whispered.

“Is it bad?” I asked not even sure what it looked like myself for all I knew I could need a massive bandage over it, it sure felt like it anyway. He mumbled a hum-hum meaning yes before removing both his hands from me making me turn to see what he was doing next.

“Its grazed up.” He filled me in unwrapping a big square plaster the size of my shoulder blade. When he turned back to me it ready I faced out the window and let him put it on me flat. “All done.” He answered slowly his eyes on me I could feel them.

“What no kiss better?” I joked beginning to turn when I felt his lips pressed into my shoulder.

“I’m sorry.” He apologised for the tenth time. I didn’t want to move as he lingered over my back. The front door to the house was heard and very quickly he flew away from me stuffing things back into the first aid box stumbling to find something to say. “You are an idiot though I mean only you that could happen to.” He rushed out. I turned in time to see my Dad walking into the house eyeing us as I pulled my shirt back on.

“What have you two been doing?” He questioned already judging us.

“I fell playing ball.” I explained making Brandon laugh. My Dad hummed going to the seat on the sofa he always sits on occasionally glancing over at us still in the kitchen.

“I should go.” Brandon whispered his eyes flicking to my Dad. I nodded glad he understood. “Again I’m sorry about your back. Will text you when I’m home.” He whispered again not needing my Dad to hear how emotional our goodbyes always sounded.

“Don’t worry about it. I overreacted. I’m sorry.” I apologised to him too hating that I made him feel bad just because I’m being weird with him.

“Catch you soon.” He ran his fingers down my arm until they reached my hand waiting a second before he stepped away.

“See you soon Brandon.” I whispered and like that he left. Leaving me standing covered in goose bumps feeling warm and fussy.

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