37. Brandon; stop ogling me

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I came upstairs just as he was coming out the bathroom towel around his waist. “I need this.” I joked grabbing the top of his towel if not for my Dad being here I wouldn’t of thought twice about pulling it from around him.

“Too bad get your own.” He stuck his tongue out at me and well I had no come back so I let him go get dressed going for a shower myself. When done I went into my room the sight of Mason lay on the outside of my bed but his head across onto the other side pillow greeting me. He looked fast asleep even though I’d probably only been gone about fifteen minutes. He was under the covers looking super cosy I hated knowing I’d have to wake him up. I pulled on a pair of boxing shorts, closing the bedroom I turned the T.v. on glad it was playing quietly. Remote still in my hand I crawled up the bed from the bottom squeezing myself in the gap between him and the wall.

“Hey sleeping beauty. Prince charming you have to pick next movie.” I whispered making him stretch his arms up wiping his face. “Was you napping?” I asked hiding how cute I found him today.

“Yeah. I’m so tired.” He spoke his voice scratchy and rough.

“Well I thought we were watching another Christmas film or at least I will while you sleep but you pick.” I told him ignoring how hot his voice was.

“Gremlins.” He answered without thinking. “I’m awake though I’m watching it.” He sat himself up a little more moving away from my side letting me lay my head on the pillow. It didn’t take me long to find his film playing it as I slipped under the blanket with him.

“Good job I got a double bed. If we were at yours you would be in my lap right now.” I laughed as he again rolled onto his side eyes still on the T.v. his head near my shoulder.

“You love it.” He teased his voice still gruff. He was right I did. I’d of loved to have the confidence to open up my arms and make him lay on my chest but I didn’t so unless he made any attempts at it or made me think he wanted to I was staying still.

After about another twenty minutes he was being a fidget groaning as he turned onto his back then sighing then reaching his hands behind his head and then sitting up completely. “What’s up?” I asked him irritated but trying not to be. He turned to look at me over his shoulder before he lay back down only this time nuzzling his head onto my chest. I was shocked at first but very quickly got used to it wrapping my arms around him resting the one from under him on his hip as I kept the other under my head how I was before. We stayed like this for about half an hour until we got to the part when the teachers hand gets bit under the table by the gremlin it reminding me of something. “You know you never showed me where that women at work bit you.” I spoke my mind looking down to him.

“Oh yeah.” He sat up out my arms bringing his knee up he pulled the covers back to show me his thigh, only I got totally distracted when I noticed he was only wearing a pair of boxers. I’m pretty sure he said something but it wasn’t registering as I stared instead at his naked stomach and his upper thighs. He was wearing a pair of white tight briefs and a lot was on show even if I could see he didn’t have any sort of boner. “Hey.” He backhanded my side making me snap out of it. “Stop ogling me and pay attention.” He laughed catching me opening his legs, not helping, to show me the upper front of his thigh had a bruise that looked like teeth marks. “She a nutter that was through my jeans as well.” He told me. It looked bad actually now I was properly looking at it. It was purple and black and quite dark for something that was done a few days ago and through his clothes like he said. I sat up to get a better look at it my hand going to it tracing over it.

“Ouch.” I said looking up to see him pouting about it. “What a mean old lady.” I whimpered looking back down at it as I again rubbed over it. He moaned in agreement but I think it was just an excuse to moan at my hands on his body because when I looked down I caught sight of a semi growing in his boxers. I flopped backwards with a groan myself onto my pillows.

“What?” He asked probably unaware I’d seen him enjoying my touch.

“You coming to bed in just your boxers, it’s winding me up.” I answered honestly pulling the covers to cover him up.

“Sorry. I-" I cut him off because I knew he was going to say he will go get some clothes on. I opened my arm tugging on his with my other for him to shut up and lay back down on me, when he did this time I had one hand on his hip the other on his arm that he had draped over my stomach. His legs soon were next finding their way tangled with mine in fact as he did he brought his entire body closer to me holding me tighter for a second before relaxing again with a sigh. Carefully looking down I noticed his eyes were closed and guessing by his breathing he was asleep. The film had about forty minutes left and I planned on watching it all.

Once it was over I had to fight with a sound asleep rock hard body on mine to reach the remote to turn the T.v. off he wasn’t happy that I was trying to move him from off me a little to reach it instead clinging on tighter. I found it on the bed down by my feet just about reaching it mainly because I kicked it higher up into my hands, turning it off I pulled the covers around Mason higher guilty I almost woke him. I lay my head on top of his and listened to his breathing and just like that I was asleep.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my bedroom door and knowing it was my Dad I knew I should move Mason off me before I called for him to come in. “Mase get up.” I told him as I gently pushed on his shoulder only earning a groan of discontent from him. “Mason. My Dad wants to come in.” I told him not wanting to disturb him really but my Dad was still knocking. I pushed on him a little harder while trying to sit myself up but again he grumbled holding me tighter.

“I have my eyes closed I swear.” I heard my Dad say as the door opened and he stepped into my room just standing there I think waiting for me to tell him not to be stupid and that he could look. Somehow Mason was still spark out. I gave up on trying to move away from him laying back down and squeezing him back to me.

“What do you want Dad.” I asked hoping he would stay with his hand over his eyes.

“I am cooking breakfast and I seen Mason’s car but couldn’t remember if he eats everything full English.” He answered making me feel a little bad that I was making him cover his eyes when really nothing was happening here and he wasn’t trying to be a pest.

“Yeah pretty much he don’t like mushrooms but he will just leave them.” I told him looking over at still a sound asleep Mason, clueless. My Dad was saying okay no mushrooms whilst backing out of my room closing the door behind him. God if this was at Mason’s we would be murdered right now kicked from the house especially if they seen Mason only had his boxers on. “Dad.” I called after him making him stop in his tracks. “We were only sleeping.” I told him not sure if he even cared, he said it himself whatever we got up to behind closed doors. He didn’t even say anything just pulling the door closed.

“Mason.” I span around to face him a little as best as I could. “Time to get up.” I told him running my fingers down his face.
“Are you still asleep really?” I asked earning another squeeze.
“I.. “ I paused trying to think of something to say to get his full attention. “I felt your ass last night.” I tried hiding my laugh his eyes shooting open a smirk already on his face.

“I thought you said fingered.” He spoke again his voice so rugged as he rolled onto his back away from me.

“That too.” I laughed. “We got to get up Dad come in asking about breakfast.” I told him actually surprised he seemed shocked asking when he came in. “Just now. I was trying to wake you up I thought you were joking you wouldn’t move.” I smiled finding him too cute right now.

“No I was fast.” He mumbled sitting up wiping his face to wake himself up. Once done he turned to look at me smiling looking on cloud nine. “I can’t get up yet.” He smirked and I knew exactly why.

“Naughty git. I pulled the covers off myself glad my morning wood had gone as soon as my Dad walked in here this morning, meaning I could plead innocent going and finding a t-shirt to put on to go downstairs in. Once it was on I came back to the bed grabbing the covers I yanked them off him even as he tried to grab them. “Get up.” I told him really trying to not look at his body waiting for him to get up. I kind of thought we were past the awkward morning boners thing because even before I knew I was into him and him me we would get them a lot that’s just something that happens and at first we both tried to hide it but in the end we kind of just ignored each others and I never really looked at his honestly. Where as now it was as if it was whispering to me tempting me to look.

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