Summaries to your Stories

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It's hard to be original. I get it. It's hard to come up with something that sounds fantabulous AND hasn't been used ten thousand times already. And it's even harder when you're on a public sharing website, where there's bound to be people funnier, smarter and kinda better than you.
( Trying to find a way that doesn't make that sound bad...)
Being on someplace like Wattpad or Deviantart or YouTube is hard. (I named a couple open source websites off the tip of my tongue, but there's a lot more.) Having to measure up to people who have more experience or who are just better writers or have better stories is harsh, even when it's not writing. Comparing yourself to better authors is the kind of thing that makes you look at yourself and think you suck.
( You don't, although there DEFINITELY are some people who write premature stories on here. But that's for another time.)
Point is that feeling good about something is hard to do.
Especially when it comes to writing summaries on Wattpad. There are thousands of people on here, so of course you won't be the ONLY one doing whatever it is you're doing for your summary/intro/whatever you want to call it.
But I go around looking at all the stories out there, and I can't help but feel people could at least TRY to be a little more creative in their summaries.
Since your summary is one of the first things your potential readers are going to look at, you should put a little effort into it, not copy/paste the latest trending summary format. It literally goes like this:
" (Amy Grace) was just a normal girl with a (boyfriend, loving sister and neverending-closet) who wanted nothing but a normal life. But then (the bad boy from the next school over) set his eye on her and messed up everything in her life in the worst, but also the best, way possible."
1/3 stories on Wattpad have this summary or something like it. Even the fantasy section has a couple of these, with more then often a hint of medieval teen romance. But then the girl is a farmer and the guy is some drunk guy's son, or a bard of some kind. ( Bards are singers)

I understand it's hard to make something original to sum up your story, but this summary is no longer cool, or cute, or mysterious, or intriguing! Whenever I see one, I skip the story because I really don't feel like reading yet another romance story with washed-up guys and shallow guys and a lot of staring into each others eyes and very, very predictable endings!

I tried to write one of these stories, and I see how this type of summary might be appealing, but instead of writing this bland thing like I was stupid enough to do, try something new! Once you think about it, it's easy enough to come up with a lot of stuff!

Talk about the story itslef!

" What happens when a stranger asks you for a bus ticket, accidently dropping your breakfast to the ground? Of course, Mina was mad. But like anybody else with a shred of tolerance would, she sighed and handed the guy his ticket.

Who new that Jacob McCoy would one day be thinking about the girl on the bus as much more than just a nice person with bus tickets?"

Make it from the character's point of view!

" I'm sixteen. I like chocolate, especially the ones from Truffles. That's where I met Max. Turns out he liked chocolate too... turns out he liked a lot of stuff I liked too. Turns out... he liked me."

You can elaborate on that! Or, to add a twist, add something fun at the end, like a text from a boyfriend/relative/whatever you want that might add spice to your story!

This doesn't just apply to romance stories. I've seen this summary everywhere.

" (Phillis) was just a normal girl with a (mother, a father and friends) who wanted nothing but a normal life. But then, (the Plague hit, and decimated the entire population of the world, leaving Phillis alone in a harsh world. What will she do? How will she survive? And we she learn who the mysterious boy who lurks around is? Will he be a friend, or) mess her life up in all the worst, but also the best, ways possible?"



I have nothing against these types of stories, they're great when you need something lovey-dovey! But to bring in the people who'll actually read your story, a good summary is important. Look at published books, at their summaries, get a few ideas. Go online and find some sort of worksheets to help you get your ideas down if you need too!

Just expand your horizons so that you can get more people to be interested in your story, in your writing, and in you!

To sum it up, (see what I did there? Ehehe it's so punny.) summaries are REALLY important! When I go to the library, summaries are one of the first things I look at! Seeing something I've seen ten-thousand times before is a huge turn-off, something fresh and new makes me giddy!

Try your hand at something new, even if you're scared! Show it to your friends and your family, fellow writers- whoever you want. They'll help you figure out what's best for your story, and what's best for you.

Vote if the line "_____ was just-" makes your brain rot.

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