Tetratheca Pilosa

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Tetratheca Pilosa

🌸 Evolet 🌸

How can I be considering a relationship with somebody like him? I saw the plants in the warehouse and I know what happens to people who dabble in this industry. Except I've never met somebody like him and I don't know how to walk away from the feeling I have.

I pace the length of the bedroom and sleepily rub my eyes. I wish I could collapse from exhaustion just to have a break from all the thoughts swirling through my mind.

I can't make a decision until I speak to Caelum about it, there's too many 'what if's' lurking in the back of my mind which makes me wonder if walking away is the wrong decision.

The phone screen catches the light from my bedroom, luring me in. I swipe it off the bed and press it to my chest. What do I even write in a message?

I press the call button and bite my lip. It rings for a second and then the line crackles.

"Hi, Evolet."

His deep voice pulls me in, especially the way he says my name.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm calling you. You were probably sleeping and I should be sleeping as well." I sigh. "I'm so sorry, I should hang up."

"No, wait, it's okay."

"Are you sure?" I frown.

"I've been waiting for you to call or message."

"I'm sorry." My stomach churns.

"Do you want to talk?"


"Can I come over?"

I pull the phone back and frown at the time on the screen.

"It's two in the morning."

"I can't sleep."


"I'm on my way."

He ends the call and I stare at the screen. I throw the phone onto the bed and wander into the bathroom. My hair is messy from spending hours rolling around on my bed, and I have dark circles under my eyes. I wrap my arms around myself and sigh.

"Oh goodness, I'm a mess."

I undo the messy bun and untangle my hair before pulling it into a high ponytail which looks better than the messy heap tangled on top of my head. I splash some cold water on my face before wandering downstairs.

There's a knock on the door which captures my breath. I creep towards the door and peek outside, Caelum's appearance almost resembles mine and he's still wearing the same clothes from our date.

I open the door and we hold our gaze for a brief moment, then he steps into the house and I close the door.

"Ask me whatever you need to know."

"How are you?"

Caelum rolls his eyes.

"We don't need to bother with pleasantries, I know exactly how you feel, I can see it."

I stifle a yawn and wrap my arms around my torso.

"Thanks for saying I look like shit." I softly chuckle.

Caelum frowns and shakes his head.

I walk past him and sit on the corner of the couch. I curl my knees to my chest and rest my chin on my knees. Caelum sits on the opposite side but slumps forward and rests his arms on his knees.

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