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🌸 Evolet 🌸

String lights are wrapped around trees and strung between poles to create an ambiance of light. There's a couple of food trucks situated around the park with soft music playing from them. Caelum is leaning against a large pine tree with a hand tucked into his grey jeans.

He glances up from his phone and smiles as our eyes meet. Caelum tucks his phone into his back pocket and walks to me.

"Hey, Evolet." He waves.

"Hey." I clasp my hands together and smile.

"I hope you're hungry because I'm starving."

"I'm excited to try something new."

"Are you in the mood for something spicy, noodles or rice?"

"Something spicy or a rice dish?"

"What's your thoughts on Indian food?"

"I'm always down to try something new."

"Do you want to find us somewhere to sit and I'll order the food?"

"Sure." I nod.

The picnic tables are taken, so I expand the search for a bench or a cozy spot on the outskirts of the park. There's a tree nobody is sitting near, so I plonk on the grass and lean against it.

Once Caelum has the food, I wave my arm to capture his attention. He sits across and lays the containers and paper bags out.

"There's biryani and a chickpea curry along with some samosas."

"Sounds good." I smile.

"Have you tried biryani before?"


"You're going to love it." He chuckles. "In my opinion, I think it needs charcoal chicken."

Caelum hands me a plastic fork and I sample the biryani rice. There's a good mix of spices which creates a good flavour.

"I could have this, either way, it's so good." I nod.

"Now try the curry."

We swap containers and I try a small spoonful. It's spicier than the other dish but aside from the slight burning sensation on my tongue, there's a nice flavour to it.

"These dishes are so good."

Caelum takes a samosa from the paper bag and proudly smiles.

"I don't have the best cooking skills, but I do know where to find good food."

"You need to teach me your ways." I laugh.

"How was your week?"

"Nothing bad happened, so that's good."

"I suppose that's a good start." He laughs.

"What else can I say?" I shrug. "How about you?"

"It was good."

"How was it really?"

Caelum frowns, then raises an eyebrow.

"I care about you, Caelum. I genuinely want to know about your week, good, bad, illegal," I whisper the end word. "We can't be in a relationship if you have to hide everything from me."

"Oh Evolet, you're always surprising me." He smiles.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's a complicated situation."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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