Chapter 40

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Chapter Forty

We did the prank on Beatrice exactly one week ago and it's been funny ever since. She had to be escorted to the library yesterday to renew her algebra book.

She hasn't been being late to class this week because she never wants detention again. I guess I can tell myself that what I did to her wasn't so bad because in the long run it helped her. Now she won't have 'weekly detention' on her permanent record.

The past week has gone by pretty fast and not much has happened. There was a fight on Tuesday but it was between two freshman. Nobody really knows what the fight was about but gossip is spreading saying they fought because one screwed the other's girl.

They're both freshman though and now that I'm a senior they all seem so young. I remember when I was a freshman, there were cute boys everywhere and people were starting to vape all around me.

Now I look at eleventh graders and it's crazy to believe what all they do because I see them as twelve year old's.

I get in my car and make my way home from school. Mom left this morning for a flight but the good news is that she won't be going on anymore for at least a week. I'll have all of the mother/daughter time I want.

Her constantly going on flights doesn't bother me that much until I begin missing her and needing her. I understand that she needs the extra money to keep things running around the house but it starts to suck when she's almost always in another state.

I pull into my driveway and see the familiar black truck. There's only one person I know who drives a black Honda: Cole.

The first emotion I feel when I see him step out of the truck is aggravation. It isn't happiness that I'm seeing an old friend or anger that my ex boyfriend has payed a visit, it's pure annoyance that he's showed up at all.

We don't talk anymore and we're definitely no longer friends which means he has no right to show up at my house uninvited.

I get out of the car and slam the door shut just to let him know I'm not happy about his arrival.

He smirks but doesn't make an attempt to move closer, "Can we go inside and talk?"

His words come out a little drawn together that it takes me a moment to realize what he says. Once I've figured out he was asking for permission inside my house, a laugh escapes my lips.

"No," is all I say before pulling my house key out and walking up the front steps.

I know he's following me so I'm silently hoping mom remembered to lock the front door so I won't look like an idiot trying to unlock an already unlocked door.

"Why not, Emma? Don't you want to see me and catch up on things?" he asks from about two feet behind me.

Luckily, the door was locked. I unlock it and swing it open. I turn around and stare at him from the doorway.

"No," I shake my head, "no part of my brain is curious to know what you've been up to."

He smirks and takes a step closer. He reaches out, puts his hand on the doorframe to lean on it, but his hand slides and he stumbles a little.

I let out a chuckle but try to keep it in as he looks at me.

"Just let me come inside so we can," he gives me a mischievous smile, "talk."

Whatever the wicked smile is about needs to leave his mind right now. He's not getting inside my house and if he did there would be nothing except talking going on.

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