Chapter 77

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Chapter Seventy Seven

"Wait, so instead of pulling over you went through the McDonald's drive-thru and started ordering?" I laugh.

Ethan shrugs, "The cop wasn't even mad at me. We shared my large fry."

Of course they did. Leave it to Ethan to befriend an officer trying to give him a speeding ticket.

"Where'd all the pizza go?" Erica questions and Lucas gives her a sheepish smile before offering the rest of his slice.

I witnessed Lucas and Mason snatch the last five pieces and put them on their plates. They took the rest of the pizza not two minutes ago. How have they devoured all but half a slice?

Erica shakes her head, "You can keep it."

Cheese is dripping from the side where he took too big of a bite and had to leave some of it there. I wouldn't take the piece either.

"What's the first thing you notice when a guy approaches you?" Erica asks the table.

Adalyn laughs, "The audacity."

"Well, I've been talking to a guy but I'm not sure if I like him or not."

Josephine grins, "Oh, you've been talking to a guy? Is he hot?"

Ethan frowns at her blunt statement.

It turns out that Josephine and Ethan have been going out since graduation. Who saw that one coming?

So much has changed with all of us. I've moved in with Trace and we're getting serious now. Josephine and Ethan have started a relationship of their own. Erica is talking to a guy, and Mason got a dog.

We've all just been living in our own world.

I haven't seen Adalyn and the others since school let out almost two months ago. We've all been so busy with our own lives that we haven't had a whole lot of time for friends. But luckily, we all made an agreement to get together one last time before college starts. One last time before we all split paths.

We'll still keep in contact and occasionally meet up, but this is how life works. After high school it's hard to stay connected to old friends. We'll grow apart and one day have families. But it's still great to know that later in life I can point to a picture and tell my kids, 'These are the people I had the best moments of my life with'.

Erica sighs, "Hell yeah, he's hot. I just don't know if he's the right guy for me, you know? But I'll figure it out eventually."

Adalyn nods in understanding before using her words of wisdom. She leans forward, "If your vagina doesn't get a heartbeat when you see him, he ain't the one sis."

I choke on my drink.

Trace just laughs and puts an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him. I lean against his hard chest. The kids are on the other side of the booth. As soon as we sat down, they both wanted to sit in between aunt Adalyn and uncle Lucas.

Mason gives the entire table a look of confusion, "Is that what happens when girls like someone? Because for guys it's completely different. When I see a hot girl I instantly get a bo-"

"Okay!" Adalyn, Erica, Josephine and I all shout simultaneously.

The guys look at each other and snicker. Dylan and Olivia continue talking about a new toy Trace just got them, completely oblivious to the conversation surrounding them.

It's times like these that remind me why we're all such good friends.

"Erica, if you like the guy then tell him. Nothing bad can happen from being honest with someone." Mason tells her with a small smile.

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