Chapter III

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Chapter III ─ Moment of Truth 

[ M I C H A E L   G R I F F I N ]

 It was already two-forty in the afternoon, I managed to run by a store to buy some chips and munched on them on the way back to school. I felt a little better now that the gnawing in the pit of my stomach was gone, but I was still anxious about meeting my new 'friends'.

I just finished changing into my practice clothes in the locker room, Coach Williams told me to meet him at the front entrance of the school, so that's where I was headed at that very moment.

My anxiety blazed hotter with every step I took, but I had to persevere, I could already see the coach and the school principal enveloped in comfortable conversation near the main entrance. I made my presence known and leaned against the wall, scrolling through my phone.

The few minutes that it took for the West's football team to enter our line of sight passed in what felt like a blink of an eye. Coach Williams turned to me and gave me a firm nod as if telling me to brace myself for what was coming next.

I straightened my posture and stared at the mob of masculinity making their way up the steps on this sunny Monday afternoon. My face was void of emotion - not a rare occurrence since Bryan left.

I felt my entire body tense when I finally saw him trailing behind his team, his features were strong and prominent, despite how blind I was, his brown hair shined in the sunlight, he had grown up to be a very attractive guy, unfortunately, his expression was not attractive at all.

There was a huge frown playing on his face, I think I'd be pointing out the obvious if I assumed that he was angry. This was definitely not my Bryan. 

I shouldn't have expected anything else, it's not like I hadn't seen him in years, we played against each other, we fought each other in the wild, however, we weren't forced to find a compromise then.

I tried to keep my emotions in check, the nostalgia of my younger years was buzzing in my head fueling the blazing embers of a migraine.

It felt as if the world was in slow motion, or we were in an action movie montage, tension brewed in the air as the West's principal stepped through the door. He looked like a scary man unlike our principal, his threatening disposition and looming frame did not make him seem like a person you would like to mess with. I sure didn't. 

Soon, the West's coach, whom I knew as Mr Jennings followed the principal inside, his boys trailing in behind him.

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