Chapter XXIV

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Chapter XXIV ─ Ablaze

[ B R Y A N   C L A Y ]

Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd be seducing Michael Griffin on that Saturday evening. If someone from the future had magically appeared in front of me and told me that, I would've probably laughed in their face. 

Yet here I was, all naked and ready to pounce.

Truth be told, I had been sort of planning this for a couple of days now, the thick fog of despair had long dissipated and I was only left with an unbearable amount of sexual tension. So was he, I knew he was. The way he trembled in my arms spoke volumes to me, he was trying to keep his control and failing without realizing most of the time. 

Initially, I thought I'd wait for Michael to do something, to drop a sign, but then again that was very unlike Michael, I doubt he'd ever ask to fuck or be fucked by someone if he hadn't been prompted. I wasn't doing all that good of a job trying to send signals to him that I was there and more than willing. 

So I was the one who made the first move.

I spent a whopping half an hour in the shower making sure I was clean everywhere, and I meant everywhere. I didn't know what to expect from that night, but I knew something was going to happen and I wanted to be ready.

Despite not knowing what I was doing, I had done my research before. I was a young gay man after all and I had access to the internet, sue me. The only thing left to do was apply the hours of 'research', if you could call it that, to Michael Griffin. 

Who at the moment was staring at me from his bed with googly eyes, sort of like a fat kid stared at a lemon meringue pie, I felt like I was a walking meal and I didn't know how to feel about that. Ever since the towel had dropped straight to the floor, the only noise I'd heard from Griff was a gulp. "Are you going to say anything?" I mused, liquid courage coursing through my veins, although I did not know where it was coming from.

"I—uh, holy fuck." Words escaped his lips and I chuckled at his exclamation, this was good, it was good progress. He liked what he saw.

I made my way onto the bed, trying to look as sexy as possible, but in reality, I felt and probably looked like a sleep paralysis demon crawling on the floor. Michael burst into a fit of giggles and I snorted. "What are you doing?"

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