"Beginning of Training!"(5)

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Before the One-Eye Tiger could even regain it's conscious, something tiny wrapped itself around its throat. The air in its lung start to contracted. It's eye widen in shock. It trashes around, trying to get that thing off it's throat, but that tiny thing that feel like a hand squeeze harder, making it more difficult for the One-Eye Tiger to free itself from death.

With the last breath, the One-Eye Tiger died. Chun Zhiming let go of her hands, without hesitation, she immediately get to work. Ripping the skin off the One-Eye Tiger with her bare hand and tore the organ out until it's left with nothing but a heart, than clean the whole body at the river and hang it on a tree.

She made a fire from sticks she had gathered. Today, she's going to find some herbs and seasoning or her taste buds might just turn numb without any seasoning.

"Yin Yin, make sure to look after our food okay, or we won't have anything to eat this afternoon," Chun Zhiming turn around and said gently to Shou Yin.

Shou Yin, who've watched the whole process from killing to skinning, was still stunned. Snapping out of his trace, he hurriedly nod. Since eating meat, he still couldn't get the taste out of his mind.

In the end, he realized that the one that needed to be save was the One-Eye Tiger than the child herself. Her action was really Ruthless!

He never knew eating physically would be so good. What he didn't know was that it was that good without any seasoning was because there was a legendary chef in front of him.

50 minutes later, Finding herbs wasn't that hard, but this world have strange fruit that look familiar yet its not. Chun Zhiming have found: Ginger, wild garlic, lime grass, bamboo shoots, buts it's too bad that there's no salt. If only she was close by the ocean.

As she finish cleaning these, she put all of them inside the tiger stomach and sew it back with a vine. Not wasting anymore time, she pick up the thick branch and shove it inside the tiger mouth until it reach the other side than carry the whole body to the fire.

Three minutes later, an enchanting aroma spread throughout the place making Shou Yin, who have been sitting patiently, drool.

Once it's done, and the meat is thoroughly cook. They start eating. Shou Yin moan in satisfaction as he ate the leg that was twice about his size.

"Uwah! This is so good!" He shout out. Chun Zhiming respond only with a hum. Her smile show no satisfaction nor dissatisfaction.

They ate until the One-Eye Tiger was bare bone. Chun Zhiming ate the last thing, which is the heart. Her eyes curve in delight: Only if it was raw, it would taste better.

Shou Yin patted his stomach, his eyes sweep to Chun Zhiming with an unknown feeling.

"Hey," he called out. The baby look up at him.


"How did you kill it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Huff, I'm saying, how did you killed it when your not even close to be a Red Spirit? I can feel that an abnormal amount of spiritual Qi was absorb in you, but how come you didn't level up yet?"

"..." Chun Zhiming blink from the question than mysteriously smile, "Yes...I wonder how."

This agitate Shou Yin: your deliberately trying to dodge the question aren't you?! Aren't you?!!

It was like Chun Zhiming could see his thought as she said, "Yin Yin, sometimes things are just mysterious and are not meant to be known. Don't think about it to hard okay."

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