The Island Life

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Izuku was fast asleep, but a certain rich girl was laying on his abs. Mina and Toru were clinging to his right side, Ochako and Tsuyu were stuck to his left, and Jiro laid on his chest.  Momo was the first to wake up, her pillow wasn't so comfortable. That was when she realized a ten inch rod was sticking in the air. Izuku had removed his shorts, not his underwear. Though the sight didn't click at first, it rushed her. He had morning wood, the girls had to see this! She poked them until they woke up, they all were groggy until they realized why they were woken up. They blushed and stared. They all got up and realized it was hot, a little hotter then yesterday actually.

The girls knew what it meant, but they had to make sure Izuku was okay with it. They sat at his sides, some still questioning some things. When he woke up he started rubbing his eyes before getting serious. He sat there and said, "We won't build a signal fire, I slept on it and know what happened. It clicked in my brain yesterday. All Might made us disappear, to get rid of me. You were all near me when it happened." They all shouted, "He wouldn't do it!" Izuku looked at them with some emotion, it wasn't sadness, or anger, but hatred, "All Might wants to get his predecessor's grandchild in the family business. The hand man, Shigaraki. That's who he wanted to give this power to, but it luckily doesn't exist anymore." Tsuyu looked at him and asked a rather important question, "What do you mean his power's gone?" Izuku looked and said, "I took it, he gave me his power, and it awakened my true quirk. I used up the last sparks of his quirk a few days ago. I should stop breaking my bones now, but he wants to give his power to a villain, hoping to have something left of his teacher. It would bring chaos if they found us. Chaos has probably already taken the country over. If you ask me, this place is a safe haven."

The girls looked at each other and nodded, "Izuku, we need to take our clothes off, so we don't overheat to fast." Izuku was flustered, that was all Mina said and Izuku sighed, knowing it was true. He stepped out to let them change in peace, while he removed his boxers. He cracked his knuckles before walking back in. He had closed his eyes of corse, and tripped over the mattress landing head first into it. He heard the girls giggle and asked, "Is it okay to look?" He heard a yes, he didn't know who it was from, but he looked up and meet their eyes. He didn't even bother to look at anything below him. After looking them in the eyes he said, "We need to get to work. This cave might work for now, but it won't always. Mina, use your quirk to cut down trees. Ochako, help her lift them. Tsuyu, try to catch some fish. Jiro and Toru, search the island, see how big it is, and if anyone else is here. Momo, try to make a sword. I'm going to see if I can find anything of importance. More fresh water, another crash with some supplies, anything helpful. Actually, now that I think about it. I'll go with Jiro and Toru to scout the island and bring supplies at the same time." The girls nodded and went to work. Izuku went with Toru and Jiro when they were a little into the forest Izuku clutched his head, "Don't worry, it's just my quirk activating." After a small break he got up and started walking. Then he said something rather odd, "Hey, was the blonde haired girl always with us?" They soon realized he was pointing to Toru. Toru sat in shock and said, "Oh, so your real quirk lets you see me! That's great, now I can show off to!" Izuku looked very uncomfortable and said, "We'll you look like Momo with long blonde hair and blue eyes."

She got more excited, but Izuku told them to keep moving. They soon found out that the island was pretty small. No animals or humans lived here. They were having a nice walk back when Jiro asked a question, "If there's one mattress, are we going to sleep together?" Izuku replied by simply saying, "I guess." (This has a tiny bit of adult language. You have been warned.) Jiro smiles slightly then asked, "What about sexual stuff. Will it just be a giant gang bang, what ever happens, happens?" Izuku thought about it before saying, "I don't know, but I feel like it should be one at a time. Probably close together though, so the due dates can be expected." (End of adult word usage.) when they made it back to camp, Mina and Ochako had the wood the needed. So Izuku wasted no time getting to work, he used one of the swords Momo made to chop the wood. It was somewhat sunset when Izuku was done building a hut. It looked like a log cabin tiny house. Izuku quickly moved the mattress in and didn't notice Tsuyu come back with some crabs, and a lobster. Izuku took some fresh water from the pond and put it over a fire he made in the now empty cave. He hollowed out a part of the trees to make a pot. Once it boiled he added the crab, lobster, and some papaya. Once he was done it was close to bedtime, but they ate some delicious stew. They finished all of it and decided to go to bed. They laid in the same order as last time, but Jiro laid longways with her feet on Momo's back. As they were falling asleep Izuku had a vision, Aizawa, Nezu, and All Might were being thrown in prison. Izuku knew why, and he got scared. He didn't know which girl it was, but he put his arm over one of their backs, pulling them down onto him. He had made an earphone jack girl happy beyond belief.

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