Ch. 6 Finally Alone

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A/N: As I am re-posting this chapter, since for some inexplicable reason it disappeared, I realized that as this story goes, the chapters get much longer. 

So, if you are new to the story, trust me everything gets better! This was a learning curve for me as this was my first story. 

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As we got to my truck, I opened the passenger side door. Not even giving Allison a chance to run off I buckled her in and shut the door. "Tate, you know I can do this myself?" She annoyingly commented.

"I know. But this is something I need to do. " I could not describe why and hell I did not even know myself. I just knew I had to do it. I needed to know that she was as safe as she could be. I jumped into the driver side, turning the key as the engine roared to life. I put it in drive and tore out of the field as quickly as I could.

We drove for what felt like hours, but in reality, had only been a few minutes. With the tension in the can of the truck no wonder why it felt like an eternity. We were both coiled springs waiting to be let loose, neither one of us willing to be the first to give in.

After about 20 minutes I pulled up to Canyon Ridge. It was my thinking spot, where I would always go to be alone. I had never brought anyone here before. The way that the stars hung over you and the expanse of the canyon below gave you a sense of peace. That is why I always came here to think, it just allowed me to clear my mind.

"Tate?" Allison tested my name, like she was asking a question. "Where are we?"

"My favorite place, Canyon Ridge. Not many people know about this place. I like to come here when I need space, time to think. "

"Really? So why did you bring me here then? "

"I am not sure. It was just the first place that I wanted to bring you "

"Yeah, well it's not like you could exactly bring me home to your parents." She scoffed.

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely curious as to why she would say something like that.

"Really Tate?" She questioned with a sass that made me smile. "If you need me to tell you than you are delusional. You know exactly why you can not bring me home! " I hung my head in shame. She was right, I knew the reason. My mother, she would adore Allison, she despised Kimber. My father on the other hand would NEVER allow me to be with Allison, even if she was my mate.

"Can we just get this over with?" She said.


"Reject me already. Let's just save ourselves from the drama and get it out of the way. "

Before I knew what was happening, Knox had taken over and with a rumbling growl put us in front of Allison, her back the truck door, and my arms on either side of her head. "Do not ever say that! You are MINE! "



How I wished what Tate and his wolf were saying was true, but the truth is, and we all knew it, that at best I could be his for a little while.

"What is your name?" I asked Tate's wolf. I knew Tate was not in control and he would not be able to gain control back unless I helped to calm his wolf.


"Well, Knox it's nice to meet you." I said as sweetly as I could, reaching my hand to the side of his face. Knox settled breathing in deeply, I could see his eye color changing and Tate regaining control.

"Thank you." He whispered. "As much as I like to think I have control, there are just times when I do not." He explained as he nuzzled into my hand. The longer my hand lingered on his skin the more intense the sparks became. I did not know how long I would be able to resist the pull, resist him.

"So..." I trailed off just as soon as I had uttered that first word. "What are we going to do?"

Tate grabbed for my hands, pulling them up around his neck. He then dropped his hands down around my waist hugging me close to his front. "We take this a day at a time and see what happens." He spoke optimistically.

"Tate, I already know how this goes. Kimber is leaving tomorrow for an extended summer abroad. "

He quickly cut me off, "How did you know that?"

"Everyone knows that. Kimber is the biggest topic in this town. You would have to be living under a rock to not know what was going on in the like of Kimber Adams. " I explained. Tate appeared satisfied with my answer, so I continued with what I was saying before he so rudely interrupted me, "Kimber leaves for the summer, we have a hot summer fling, we fall for each other, then have to reject each other," Tate or maybe I should say Knox growled when I said this, "you move on with Kimber and I become the pack doctor. That is the way this story goes. You know it just as well as I do. There is no way your father will ever allow this, us "I was waiving my finger between the two of us," to happen. "

"Maybe, maybe not. But you know what I want to find out. I want to see where this goes. I want you Ally, only you!" As Tate finished his declaration and stating a claim to me, he ever so delicately kissed me on the lips. It was a sweet kiss, one that spoke of intended promises and the love two mates should share.

After our shared kiss, Tate dropped the tailgate on his truck and lifted me, so I was now sitting down. He jumped up behind me, sitting down so I was between his legs, my back to his front, and draped his arms around me. He hugged me close to his body, burying his nose in my neck.

We sat there for hours, just talking, learning about each other. You know the things that you do when you want to truly know someone. You want to know the small things,

Favorite Color: Me: Purple; Tate: Aqua (apparently this is the color of my eyes)

Favorite Food: Me: Anything pastry, a girl loves her sweets! Tate: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Best date: Me: Right now; Tate: Same

First Crush: Me: Channing Tatum; Tate: Mrs. Wallace, 1st grade teacher

First Kiss: Me: Jake Haskins, 4th grade on the playground; Tate: Kimber, 6th grade, behind the bleachers at a school dance.

As Jake answered, my wolf growled. "Apparently, we should not be talking about you kissing Kimber. Sorry about that, Lily is not happy about the thought of you with anyone else."

We finally fell into a quiet peace, neither of us felt the need to speak. For those few hours we just were, we were happy, we were calm, we were together. As the sun came up over the canyon floor, we finally untangled ourselves from one another, knowing that we needed to get home.

"Come on, I will take you home." Tate jumped off the tailgate and helped me down, then closed it. We both climbed into the truck and Tate drove me home. It was a silent ride home. You could tell neither of us wanted this to end.

"I will come pick you up tonight at six." He said and kissed me.

"Okay." I said, climbing out of the truck. I walked up the path to the front door, unlocked the door, humming to myself I climbed the stairs to my room. For the first time in a long time I did not worry about checking on my mother, I just left her be. I plopped myself down on my bed and before I knew it, I was asleep. In the most peaceful slumber, I can remember since my dad's passing. 

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