46: A Woman in Imperial Harem

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Chapter 46: A Woman in Imperial Harem

As Zexel manage to marry a prince, it gives her an unlimited power to sneak her people inside the Imperial Palace.

Within 5 months, she manage to change a lot of unworthy people in the Palace to her people. From Imperial Guards, to Imperial Maids. The Imperial Kitchen was now on her command but still they all need to low profiled as the plan to strike after they graduates to Scarlett Academy.

She can't help but to smirk as she toyed the Emperor in her hand without the Emperor's knowledge.

She is so sneaky and cunning as she almost grasp the power of Imperial Palace.

Its been 5 months since she marries Feng Zhengying as the Empress believe that she held her into her hand. The Empress did not know that it was opposite.

In the Emperor an Empress eyes, she was worthless and useless as how they branded Feng Zhengying.

After her marriage to him, the first thing she did is to gained the trust of everyone in the Ming Wangfu as she succeed. Even her husband is with her command.

Just imagine Feng Zhengying, the feared General at his Prime, the Ming Wangye of Ming Wangfu, the seventh Prince of Pingjing Country, the powerful yet disguised as cripple man and worthless prince, is under his wife's mercy. The whole Ming Wangfu was shock when he acted like a puppy in front of his wife when his wife was angry.

He become soft as he doesn't care that his wife overruled him even with the rules in their Dynasty. So the people of Ming Wangfu seek for the Ming Wangye's favor since anyone who satisfied his wife was rewarded heavily.


"Are we still not going to attack? Its been a year," Feng Ming Li ask. He look irritated as he seat to his chair.

"You know, Ming Li, in attacking your enemy who is clearly more powerful than you needs patients," Fan Yaoli said. She knows how Zexel deal her own enemy.

"You need to be patient as we will attack to the least time they expected. First we will cripple their power before attacking them. In that way, we will outsmart them in any way. Don't worry, Feng Ming Li, I will assure you the success," Zexel smirk.

She can imagine how her jerk Father will react at the time they will reveal their true power.


"They already held 65% of the Imperial Power," a report came from the dark in one of the Emperor's Concubine. She only sip a bit of tea as she smirk to what was really happening.

"Indeed, this two girls are smart. I wonder what will Fan Xuan Yan reacts if he knows that his daughter is the mysterious Founder of ZUGC? It will be a good show to watch what do you think?" She ask.

"Indeed, your grace," the person in shadow said.

"Let them fight first before we will proceed to our own plan, let them do a lot of works so we will just need to clean up the rest. I'm expecting a good show with this group versus the Imperial Royalties. I can't believe that I marry this foolish ruler who only knows how to pleasure his self," she said, and sip her tea again.

"Your grace..." you can trace a worry to the person in shadow's voice. Are worried to the woman.

"I will be fine, go check for their other movement. Don't let them know your presence, they are too tough to deal specially their people. I'm still wondering about how they manage to become genius just like that. Its too shabby to tell that they just change immediately. What did change the two? Did they just pretending ever since? I want you to dig more deeper information regards to the two," the woman said as she put another tea to her cup and sip again.

"I will, your grace," the person in shadow immediately disappear as the lady finish her tea. She walks to her table where the profile of Fan Yaoli and Fan Lihua was written. It was written beautifully in Mandarin vertically. She reads it how many times repeatedly as she seek for answer.

How did this two manage to gained this level of cunningness? Even she who resides to the Imperial Palace that full of schemes and dirty tricks to dealt with can't do what the two did. In just five months, the two manage to grasp the power in the Imperial Palace without anyone except her notice. If she did not hear that conversation, even she will not know that the two already held so much power.

"Foolish husband," she mutter. Seeing the report on her desk, she can't help but to ask herself; how did this happen?

In midnight, she burnt the report using her power that even the reports ashes will not be seen. She needs to be careful dealing this scenario as this situation is too sensitive that one wrong move, she will be finish.

She can't trust anyone; not even her husband or her family. Since she admitted to herself that even with the combined power of her family and her husband, it will be 30% chance to win.

The two has plan from A-Z they plan three step ahead that makes the woman worried.

"I don't want that happen. Why do I am this unfortunate? She just hope that it can gather the answer she want.

"No matter what will happen, I need to prevent something like that to happen. Not ever again," she mutter to herself.

She sigh as she let her maids to change her clothes. She has a severe insomnia so even if it is already midnight, she still didn't change to her sleeping clothes.

"Your grace, you should sleep more if you can. We are all worried to you," the maid said. She sigh again and smile.

"I'll be okay," if this two hindered her goals and interest, she will fight no matter what.

Next update: Sunday (April 5, 2020, any time I want)


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