Chapter 11

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~Brittany's POV~

Today Jacob and I were going to the library right after school. He picked me up for school this morning so I didn't have to leave my car at the school. I decided that I was going to tell him about my past. I knew it was going to be hard, but he deserves to know. I wrote him a letter about it so I didn't break down every two seconds while telling him.

English finally arrived. I smiled at Jacob as soon as I walked in and he shot me his perfect smile back. English and P.E. were officially my favorite parts of the day along with lunch. Wherever Jacob was, I wasn't far behind or vise versa. We were always with each other. His friends slowly became my friends. Jacob pulled me from my thoughts as I sat down.

"Hey princess." He winked at me as always, which caused my heart to skip a beat.

"Hey, Jakey." I flashed him a toothy grin whilst he rolled his eyes. He doesn't try to fight with me anymore about his nickname.

"How has your day been so far?"

"It has been quite exquisite."

"Don't use big words, it hurts my brain."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Oops, my bad."

"It's ok"

Mrs. P started the class shortly after. The rest of school flew by. I was waiting for Jacob to come out of the locker room so we could go to the library. I was nervous to give him the letter but I knew I had to. After about ten minutes of me waiting for him, he came out.

"It's about time, slowpoke."

"Whatever princess" He rolled his eyes pretending to be annoyed but I could see a smile playing on his lips.

"Let's go."

"Yeah, ok."

We walked to his motorcycle. I have been riding on his motorcycle a lot recently so he bought me my own helmet for it. His was too big for me and he always went on about how he didn't want me to bust my skull while on his bike. So he went out and bought me one. As soon as we left the school Jacob took a right.

I was very confused because you had to take a left to get to the library from school. I decided to not say anything. Jacob hated when I asked him questions while he drove, said it distracted him and being on a motorcycle was dangerous. I haven't talked to him since while on his bike. After a few minutes, we finally pulled up to a house. Jacob pulled into the garage and turned his bike off.

I looked at him in shock before stating, "This is not the library."

"Obviously princess, It's where I live." He replied in a 'duh' tone.


"I wanted you to meet my family." He gave me his biggest grin and my heart dropped to my stomach. He wants me to meet his family. Oh dear lord help me.

"Oh- Uhm, o-okay."

"Don't be nervous, they are excited to meet you."

"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Well yeah, they want to meet the mysterious girl I always talk about."

"Oh, good to know that you talk about me." I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat.

We walked into the enormous house. It was beautifully decorated. I took my shoes off mimicking Jacob. I followed him into the kitchen where his family was. They were all very happy to see me. As soon as they noticed Jacob and I had entered the kitchen they all Introduced themselves.

"Hi, my name is Lucy, this is Chloe, Christian, my husband, and Tristen, whom you have already met."

"It is very nice to meet all of you, Jacob speaks very highly of all of you."

"I would hope so." She gives him a motherly look.

Jacob decided the interject, "Well, we are going to go up to my room and work on our project."

"Ok dear, don't do anything to scare Brittany off before dinner."

"I would do no such thing."

I giggle a little bit at his comment. Jacob led me up the staircase to the second floor. When we got to his room he turned around and smiled at me before opening his door. I was shocked by how big his room was. It was painted grey and one wall was black. He had a desk in front of a window and his bed by a door, leading to a balcony.

I breathed out as I exclaimed, "your room is beautiful."

He smirked, "Thanks, princess."

"Anytime Jakey."

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