Chapter 16

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~Jacob's POV~

I couldn't sleep after that. I went on a drive and ended up at her house. I decided I was going to take the leap I've been scared to take. I threw 2 rocks at her window. She looked out her window and her eye practically bulged out of her face. She opened her window before yelling at me.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I got the letter you left and I want to show you something. Come down here"

"How do you propose I do that?"

"Jump out your window."


"Come on princess, I'll catch you."

"Oh dear lord save me."

She jumped out of her window and let out a small squeal. I'm pretty sure she was waiting to hit the ground because she didn't open her eyes for a good two minutes after I caught her. She finally looked up at me and smiled. I led her to the front of her house where the car was waiting. She looked at me with a shocked expression... Before questioning me.

"You have a car?"

"No, Tristen has a car and I borrowed it."

"Oh, ok."

I smiled over at her, "I want to take you somewhere special to me."

"Ok, did you read-?"

"Yes, I read the letter, did Fred really do that stuff to you?"

"Yes, I don't want to talk about it."


She fell back asleep as soon as we stopped talking. About an hour later I woke her up.

"We're here princess."

She was still half asleep. She just groaned at me and I tried again.

"Princess, we are here, I need you to get up."

"Mmm ok."

She woke up...About time. She stumbled out of the car. I picked her up, not wanting her to fall. I carried her into a huge field. I had found this place a couple of days ago when I was jogging. She turned around and had her amazing bright smile on her face. I smiled back. She turned back around and I cleared my throat.

"Brittany" I walked forward and grabbed her hands. "I would never hurt you like you've been hurt."

"I know but why are you telling me this?" She asked confusedly.

I took a deep breath before continuing, "Brittany, will you be my girlfriend? I promise to never hurt you as Fred did and I promise to always be there for you."

She gasped and her smile that I love so much returned. "Of course Jacob I would love to be your girlfriend."

I slipped a promise ring on her finger, she gasped again.

I responded to her gasp, "I have the other one."

I picked out rather simple promise rings but I knew she would love them. Her ring was full of all black crystals and a gold heart in the middle. My ring was charcoal black with a single gold heart in the middle like hers.

The end

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