Night time thinking

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Around 5.00
The room is boiling hot and I'm unsure if it's because of the gorgeous woman next to me or the thermostat settings. Either way I've pushed aside the sheet, laying bare chested staring at the ceiling. An odd brown spot staring back at me. The longer I look, the bigger it seems to get.

I've taken a moment or two to watch her sleep. She's rolled onto her side, facing me. Her body moves slowly on her breath. Her eyes twitch a little, betraying a deep sleep. I wonder if she's dreaming and what it is about. Her face is relaxed, her hands folded in each other by her face. A strand of hair covering her neck and her breasts squished together, which I'm trying my hardest not to focus on.

There is something bothering me and I can't quite place this feeling. A knot has formed in my stomach. By five I'm pretty sure I've come up with some sort of idea as to where it came from. It's the sadness I saw in her eyes before we went to sleep... or before she went to sleep at least.

She seems so sure that there is nothing memorable about her. I think I even saw a hint of fear that when we move back to our own familiar world, I'll forget about her. She seems to be a woman who had to endure that kind of misery more than once. Not just the death of her mother but friendships too. Something I'm not familiar with at all.

All my life I've had love. I've felt love from years of friendship, from my parents even if they didn't have it for each other. I thought I held love close to me with Vanessa until that was gone. I'm lucky and something tells me she isn't. I wish I could take that away and that still surprises me. I have grown fonder of Calli in just a day than I've ever had with anyone else.

'Max?' her voice catches me off guard. It's a hoarse whisper that shoots sparks down my spine. Her eyes are open, drunk on sleep but aware of her surroundings. Aware of me.

'Did I wake you?' I ask wondering if I may have thought some things out loud.

'You pulled the sheets away.' She smiles a little begrudgingly.

'Please don't tell me you are cold.' I shoot back.

'I'm in my underwear. I'm literally freezing.' Her smile grows.

'Come here.' I open my arms to welcome her – O God she really is freezing – body. She adjusts herself several times in my arms until her head is resting softly on my chest and she is spread out in between my legs, my arms wrapped around her like a human blanket.

'You're hot.'

'Thank you.' I smirk.

'O shut up,' she snorts. A cute sound that I have now fully imprinted into my mind. 'Why are you awake?' She asks.

'I was thinking about you. About what you said.' For some reason I am honest with her. I could have lied. Made up something about being too warm. Too unfamiliar with the room. Homesick or hungry. I could have told her lies to keep her from asking further but I didn't. I want to engage in deep conversations with her. The shallowness of things I discuss with most of my friends isn't enough here.

I think about the conversations I had with Vanessa. She was lovely. A breath of fresh air in my life. You could talk to her about everything but she was empty. A good listener but never able to hold up her end of a conversation. Was that what killed us in the end?

'You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine.' Again her voice interrupts a train of thoughts.

'When we get back home, I'll take you out. If you'll have me.' She lifts her head to face me. The room is dark but not dark enough. I can see the twinkle in her eyes. Tears? No not tears. The softest smile I've seen of her yet has formed on her perfect lips.

'You want to take me out on a date Max?' She beams differently from the girls I've asked before her. She hasn't been waiting for me or slowly working her way toward me. We've met, met again and found common ground. I'm the one needing this, not her.

'We could go for a proper dinner.'

'There'd better be candles involved.'

'Candles, music, flowers. I'll go all in romance style.'

'Alright Max. I'll let you woo me,' Her smile widens into a teethed grin and it's still the cutest thing I've ever seen. 'But for the love of everything, can we now go back to sleep?'

It's like she read my mind as a yawn escapes my mouth and my eyes suddenly feel heavy. I nod and she readjusts herself in my arms. My eyes fall shut and my subconscious takes me to a lovely dream about the most beautiful woman in the world.


Sweaty summery nights are what I'm longing for right now. Enjoy this new chapter. More soon! Xx.

The day we saw foreverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin