i. fiction is better

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SINCE THE MOMENT her foot had touched the surface of the train platform in District Four, Elena Rogers has felt nothing but pain. Being in the Capitol brought a sense of illusion — perhaps everything she'd been through was simply something she had conjured up within the depths of her mind. Yet, coming home and doing so without her District partner Everett, makes it seem so much more real. People adoring the surface with smiles and clapping their Victor, glorifying the murder of other children. Not only does it make her feel sick but it messes with her mind - she knows here they're just happy that one of them made it back, in the Capitol it was different.

Normality was no longer within her vocabulary, not that it really was in the first place. However, before she was forced to participate in something so barbaric, abnormality was her normal. She wasn't the most social nor was she one to go out of her way for people who she didn't know, Elena has always preferred a close knit circle of people or in her case, two people. Her older brother Jace and her mentor, Finnick Odair. She wouldn't let anybody else in no matter how hard Caesar Flickerman has tried during her interviews.

All those events over the past year and a bit have led her here, to the couch in the living room with a book in hand and a small smile plastered upon her face. Whilst joy is an emotion that comes and goes for her, it's gone more often than not, reading is one of the few things that can bring it to her. The idea of living in a world without the Hunger Games, one where all people would worry about is their friends, hanging out and their relationships. It's an almost ideal world for the blonde girl who would give everything to only have to worry about relationship dramas.

She'd told her brother quite animatedly of the stories and would even get to the point where she would gush about the idea of having a group of friends. Yet, she was unable to translate it to real life. She's too closed off, those within the district having given up years ago in regards to trying to acquire her friendship. It's something her brother never truly understood, he didn't know how to help her either because he has never really been one for friendships either.

"Reading another story, Rosie?" Jace asks as he walks into where his little sister is sitting on her lonesome. Her head snaps up and she nods. Whilst Rosie is not her real name, Elena's middle name is Rose and for some reason, her brother has always preferred that to her real name. "Is it a new one?"

"Yeah. Finnick dropped over a few books yesterday. Apparently they used to be Annie's," The blonde comments quietly as she looks back down to the book. She turns the page as the story pulls her back in, a small chuckle falling from her brother's lips as he goes to the kitchen to make them lunch.

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