✯Chapter 10✯

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Levi showed me around his house. He had a bunch of bedrooms, a spacious living room, a study that looked absolutely gorgeous, two lovely bathrooms... It was just huge. How was he able to afford this place? Do private investigators really earn this much money?

"Are you really not going to tell me?" I asked him at the end of his tour.

"Tell you what?"

"Why you decided to let me stay here."

"I'm starting to regret agreeing to become your friend."

Oh, right! I forgot that happened.

"So you were just trying to help a friend out?" I asked.

He shrugged. But he didn't say anything. I smiled at him.

"Whatever your reason, I appreciate your help," I said.

Again, nothing. He just looked at me. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, but it only lasted for a moment before he walked away. At times like this I couldn't see what went through Levi's head. I knew that he could see right through me sometimes, but I had to do a lot of effort to figure out what he was thinking.

I went to my new room that he showed to me just a minute before and opened the door. I couldn't believe I would actually be staying in this room now. It looked like a suite at a hotel.

"Wow," I whistled.

During the tour Levi had placed my pink suitcase outside my room so that I could remember where my room was. I never thought I would say this, but I was completely captivated by the bed. The big double bed had five fluffy pillows on it and was surrounded by white silky drapes dropping from a canopy. The bedding was completely white, but the dark wood made the whiteness even more majestic. The windows were covered by long, white curtains. The walls were covered with intricately designed rouge pink wallpapers. There was a beautiful white dresser a few meters away from the door decorated with a vase with fresh flowers.

My phone vibrated for the millionth time that night. I took it out of my pocket to look at. It was Coraline, freaking out about why I wasn't texting her back. Tina sent me two messages, sounding way calmer than Cora did. The way she believed in Levi really had me wondering what their true relationship was. Levi said that he didn't consider Tina his friend, but Tina clearly trusted him quite a lot.

I sent Coraline a text telling her to give me a call. As soon as I sent her the text, she called.

"Wow, you're quick," I noted.

"Why weren't you answering my texts, Scarlett? I was worried sick about you!"

"Sorry Coraline. Everything was happening too fast. But don't worry, I'm fine. Still mind-blown, but fine."

"Tina told me that was Levi's house?"

"Yeah," I told her, "Has she been to his house before?"

"She said she's been there once," Coraline said, "She didn't say what for. But anyway, why are you at his house?"

"It seems... I'm living here now."


She started freaking out again, lecturing me about moving on with Levi too quickly. I felt offended that she was assuming this without listening to my explanation first.

"I'll be working here, Coraline," I said annoyed.

She was quiet for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"Honestly Coraline... I don't feel like telling you anymore. Good night."

I hung up on her. I texted Tina telling her that we would talk tomorrow at school because I wasn't in the mood to talk to her right now. This was the first time I felt hurt by Coraline's words. She judged me without knowing anything.

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