✯Chapter 25✯

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Author's note: Hey guys, sorry for posting slowly these days. My aunt died because of the virus recently and it's very hard to concentrate when it comes to writing. But I'm getting back into it slowly. Thanks for understanding! Have fun reading one of my most favorite chapters of Ready For Your Love! ♡


For the days that followed I tried making myself useful and helped Tina around her house with cooking and cleaning. We went out a couple of times, but I tried to stay home as much as possible. The first time I visited Levi again was four days after he told me to go live with Tina temporarily.

I was excited to see him again. We texted every day, but it just wasn't enough. Most of our texts just involved him asking me how my day went and me asking him if he got plenty of rest. We both missed seeing each other, being with each other. But there was nothing we could do about it except for waiting.

Tina did most of the driving these days, so she drove me to the hospital now as well. She told me she would wait in the car for me. I didn't feel comfortable letting her wait in the car, so I told her to come inside.

"I'll be the third wheel there," she argued, "It's really no big deal, sis. If it gets too hot, I'll just go sit in the waiting room."

"Fine," I said giving in, "I'll be right back, I guess."

"Sure, take your time," she said, taking her phone out and texting someone.

"And tell Oliver I said hi," I said knowingly.

She stuck her tongue out at me, revealing the new tongue piercing that she got two days ago. "Yeah sure, whatever."

I grinned at her and started making my way to the entrance. Suddenly I felt a hand grab mine, jerking my body to a halt. I turned and stared right into Colt's green eyes.

"Let go of my hand, Colt," I hissed at him.

"We need to talk," he said.

"About what? I have stuff to do."

"Your boyfriend can wait." He let me go now.

I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him. "Why should I listen to what you have to say? You sick stalker..."

Colt squinted his eyes a bit at me, seemingly hurt at what I said, but then he smirked. "You sent detectives after me because you think I'm a stalker?" he asked me, shaking his head.

"Answer me this. If you're not a stalker, what the hell are you doing here right now?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I'm here for Carly," Colt said.

I dropped my hands from my hips. "What? What happened to her?"

His green eyes stared at me for a moment before saying, "She came here to do a pregnancy test."

My heart dropped. "Oh."

"I had to go do something and now I'm here to pick her back up," Colt said, "Any other questions?"

I saw Tina walking over to us. Oh boy...

"I have one last question," I said finally, "Are you happy?"

Colt looked away from me and didn't give me an answer. At that moment Tina appeared behind him.

"Why is he here?" Tina asked annoyed, causing him to turn around to face her, "Is he disturbing you, Scar?"

I shook my head at her. "No, we're just talking." And to him I asked, "Well, are you?"

Colt opened his mouth to answer me, but after glancing at Tina, he sighed instead. "It's complicated. Let's talk some other time..."

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