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Dear Readers.
Thank you so much for reading this story. Though I am not experienced still I wanted to write. I know the story is not upto the mark. I am trying and I'll try my best.

Readers are the writers mirror.
If you feel I am lacking something please share with me . I will be glad & it will help me to improvise my skills.
I hope you guys will support me.
Please be there with me.
Thank you for taking your time to read my stories.

*Special thanks to ailovexiaowang
She is an amazing writer and amazing person too..
Thank you jiejie for your suggestions..
* _Swini_ Thank you for trusting me and encouraging me. I really needed that. 😇😇
* funstoriestelling thank u for your kind suggestions. And supporting me from start.

Writing makes us friend with the people that we've never met. And isn't it amazing... !!

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