Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - The Meet

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): This better be some f**kin dream.

Didn't I just step out of the plane for a second and now... it suddenly disappears.


I slapped myself really hard on the face to wake myself up.

(Y/N): Still here huh?

I pull out my phone to check the percentage.


I realized that the charger was in the luggage.

(Y/N): Good work (Y/N).

I also realized.

(Y/N): Oh wait, I'm in the woods. Never mind (Y/N), you're still a genius.

I look around. It was quite dark, well duh we're in a forest at night.


At night?

(Y/N): What time is it?

I check the time on my phone.

Time was glitched out, can't even tell if it's AM or PM and the date as well.

(Y/N): Uhhhhhhhhh...

I just had so many questions and like, who the hell do I ask right?

*grunt* *tap* *tap* *grunt* *tap*

Sounded like a girl voice... grunting in pain.

I quickly turn my head to where the sound was coming from.

The figure appeared near me.

(Y/N): A person.

I look down at a figure and worked my way up.

The figure was wearing converse shoes, black leggings with a plaid skirt, a teal oversized university sweater... with a lot of blood on it, she wore a stitched-up face with colorful pins holding the thread and dyed pastel-pink hair (which ngl, it's pretty cute).

But something got my attention the most is that, she looks hurt.

I squint to see why and the one thing I notice is that she was holding her right upper arm, apparently it had with a glass shard in it.

I thought about it.

(Y/N): Maybe she's was on the plane that I was on.

I had the instinct to help those that are hurt so I spoke up

(Y/N): You're hurt.


She clicked her tongue.

Then suddenly she pulls out a broken ruler with sharp metal pieces duct taped together. She used her injured arm to (i guess) attack me?

If she were to swing at me with that arm, her wound would inflame even more.

Maybe she's scared or very over-defensive, but I had to do something to stop it from inflaming.

So I rushed to her.

When she got close, she lifted her arm to swing at me, I managed to grab her wrist and she look like she was going to fall so my other arm wrapped around her waist.


(Y/N): This is awkward.

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