Chapter 3

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  "Oh my God!" I screamed as I entered Chloe's room in the hospital.

"What happened?" Eva asked as she followed me inside the room.

"Did you see that? I couldn't possibly be the only person who saw that." I moved closer to Chloe.

"Saw what exactly?" She asked.

I knew Eva was confused.  I looked at her... "Chloe's finger just moved. Eva, do u know what this means?" I asked with joy on my face.

She placed my hands into hers. "She will be coming home with us very soon?"

"Yes, she will." I nodded my head.

Eva looked at me... "Are you gonna call the doctor or are you gonna keep sitting there?"

"Well Emm, I think I'm gonna call the doctor," I said as I ran out of the room to get the doctor. I was so happy that after three years my sister will be home with us... I mean me.

But how will I tell her about dad and mom, I haven't seen them in three years now. What will I tell Chloe? I don't even remember what mom and dad look like. I don't even have photos of them.

Now that I thought of it... maybe even could help but I don't want to disturb her... I have troubled her enough. I have to find our parents but where do I start if I don't have their picture? Maybe I should ask Alex for help.

A few minutes later, the doctor entered Chloe's room with two other nurses. He opened her eyes and flashes a light at them, her eyeball responded but she was still stiff. Then the doctor said she has hidden consciousness and that she will respond in no time and the finger that moved was also a good sign.

I wanted to cry because for a minute I thought she was fine, for a few I thought she will be coming home with me sooner, for a few minutes, I thought that my sister was going to come out from that bed but now I have to wait, I don't have any relatives... I can't even remember if I have aunties or uncles that I can run to for help.

I was stranded.

I went on my knees and prayed, I guess that was the only thing I could do since I don't have anyone to help me. I'd call Alex to help me find my parent because I know he knows people but the problem was I don't have photos of them or even remember what they look like.

I took a deep breath and tried to work up a smile.

"Come on Zoe, let's go home," Eva said.

I would have if I wasn't frozen in the doorway.

I heard a big gasp, it was as if the person was trying so hard to say something but was struggling with the voice. I thought it was Eva at first but she was in front of me then I looked over at Chloe's bed. Her eyes were opened; she stared at me, trying to say something but couldn't. Tears dropped from my eyes, I didn't even know where they came from all of a sudden and they just kept flowing. 

"Chloe?" I froze. I covered my mouth with my hands. I was shocked as if I had seen a ghost... that was indeed a miracle, God did answer my prayers. I moved closer to see if I wasn't dreaming, indeed I wasn't. She was paled, and her lips were dried. I could feel the pain she was in.

At that moment, I would have shared her pain if it was possible; I could see that she was suffering. I scoffed; I removed the oxygen from her mouth but she was still struggling with the words to say. I sat next to her. "I missed you." That was the word I could say to her at that moment.

I tried talking to her but she couldn't talk, she was inhaling deeply then I placed the oxygen back and decided to talk to the doctor she has woken up but she was having difficulties with talking.

Well, he did say that was a miracle because an hour ago, her condition was not as good as it was now. He said that it was normal that she hasn't talked in three years. He checked her pulse and she was normal. He made us step into his office to talk "She will have to relearn how to do everything... she may understand languages, that was why I told us to talk in my office but be unable to speak or write, for example... she will also need physical rehab due to bedridden." The doctor said.

"Baby steps?" I asked.  "Are you saying she is going to learn just like babies do?" I continued, I was confused.

"If that's the word they call it then yes, she will be fine once she goes through the physical therapy. One needs some resistance to keep muscles strong."

I felt sad for Chloe. "Will it be painful?"

I knew he could feel the pain I was feeling. "She will be fine." That was what he said, I knew he lied... she will be in a lot of pain, and she has to learn how to take her steps again. Poor Chloe.

I eased my eyes shut and tried to take in a few more peaceful moments before going back to Chloe's ward. The doctor said she will be taken to the rehabilitation center for exercising her muscles and her treatment is starting fully tomorrow.

I was happy but sad at the same time. I was happy that she opened her eyes but sad because she will have to face a lot of difficulties before getting back to her old self. I looked at her and placed her hands in mine.

My phone vibrated in my sweatshirt pocket, and my heart took a nose dive into my stomach at the name illuminated on the screen. It was Alex. He wanted me to come to meet him at his place. I ignored the text. My phone buzzed again and Alex's name popped up on the screen. I look over at Chloe and excused myself.

I went out of the room to receive his calls and told him I was busy with work... I didn't want him to know that Chloe already opened her eyes. After ending the call, I wanted to eat chocolate so that I can relieve the stress that I'd been through lately. I asked around where I could get the chocolate to buy then someone pointed me in a direction of a kiosk.

The time was 9; 59 pm. I got the amount of chocolate I wanted, and head back to the hospital. I trekked through the corridors to find a quick route to get to Chloe's room.

I moved around a corner and collided with another body. "Fuck!" I heard a guy's voice say before falling on the stranger. My chocolates were also scattered on the floor. I tried getting up by placing my hands against his chest to put some space between us.

"I'm so sorry," I said hurriedly as I offered him help. He took my hand and got up on his feet, he looks 6'0 feet. I was 5'7 so I'd consider myself tall but not beside him. I was looking up and bending my neck to talk to him.

"It's okay," he said as he turned to leave, he held his elbow with his other hand trying to protect something then I saw the blood.  I looked at him.

"Did I do that?" he turned around and was looking at me, I pointed at his elbow and I could see his full face now, his jawline was masculine and strong and he had light freckles too, and his hair color was black so were his eyes.

"You didn't do that and I'm sorry for bumping into you." he gave me a faint smile. I bent and picked the scattered chocolates and before I knew it he disappeared leaving me.

I sighed and made my way back to Chloe's room with the stain of blood on one side of my cloth.

Eva narrowed her eyes and moved closer to me trying to inspect my clothes. "You are bleeding Zoe." I looked at the blood-stained side of my off-white sweatshirt.

"I'm not hurt; it's from a guy I met in the corridor."

"A guy huh?" Eva grinned.

I knew what she was gonna asked.

"Please don't ask me if he is cute."

"You know I'm gonna ask right? So, is he cute?"

I groaned and gave her the remaining chocolates after removing three bars. "He was bleeding, and he looks tired. I don't know if he is cute."  I lied.

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