Chapter 4

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   I got to Brazil around ten in the morning and settled down in the hotel I had booked. The fight was going to take place by twelve in Sao Paulo. I took my bath and got ready, not to brag; I always win every match and I was sure I was going to win this one too.

Before I left for Sao Paulo, I was fully hydrated. I made sure of it. The fight did start before I got there but it wasn't my turn yet. After some minutes it was finally my turn to fight. I took off my clothes because I couldn't fight in them. 

This fight was different from the one I did back in NYC. It was the simplest and quickest and I didn't get many bruises than the ones I've gotten so far.

After the fight, I told my manager I wanted to go home immediately. I know Izzy will be back from the hostel and Ethan will still be in the office. I looked at the time on my cell and it was 2 pm.

I told my manager to leave the money I won with them, I didn't come for that. I just came for the fight. That's what interests me not the money.

I got to NYC after 7 hours on the plane. I knew if I had taken dad's jet then it would have been quicker. But something wasn't feeling right the moment I got back to NYC. My fans were there as usual and they were all on me and I was ready to give out my autograph but in the middle of the crowd, I got injured by a knife. I knew it was from the wrestler I had battled with.

The cut was not that deep but it made me bleed and weak at the same time. I couldn't even get the attention of my manager because we were lost in the crowd. I found my way to the nearest hospital because I knew that if I didn't treat that injury immediately it will get infected and worst. I didn't even bother looking for the person that used that blade on me.

I entered the hospital around 10; 40 in the evening and find my way to the pharmacy. I asked for directions and the nurse I met told me to walk down the hall. Well, maybe she didn't know who I was because not everyone watches wrestling but I was the son of Mr. Gutierrez. I am a billionaire.

No one will know that I was Zavion Gutierrez because right now I looked unkempt unlike the guy they know to be Zavion on the front cover of a magazine.

I walked down the corridor still confused about which way to turn, maybe left or right but I was not sure so I whipped around the corner and bumped into her. We collided. She fell on top of me. I tried getting up but couldn't because she was still on me and I was trying hard not to make the blood stain her off-white sweatshirt. I could smell her shampoo, it was nice.

She placed her hands on my chest and tried to get up. Well, she did and offered to help me. I took her hand and got on my feet. "I'm so sorry." She said immediately.

"It's okay," I replied as I turned my back on her and was about to leave. I used my hand to hold my bleeding elbow, it hurt a lot and I needed to treat it immediately.

"Did I do that?" She said as I turned to look at her. He pointed at my elbow and I saw her face fully this time. She was pretty.

"You didn't and I'm sorry for bumping into you," I replied as she bent down to pick up the chocolate that was scattered on the floor. Then I left.


    I got to the hospital as early as possible to help my sister with her treatment. At first, the doctor put her on the ventilator to support her breathing so it can at least help her get her voice back. I knew it was going to take weeks or even months to see the result but at that moment I was hoping for a miracle.

She was responding to treatment. Her getting her voice back was the first treatment she will be getting. Anytime she wanted to use the toilet, I will put her in a wheelchair and the nurses will help do all the necessary things that needed to be done and then bring her back to the bed. She was always on the breathing tube and the money for her treatment was also increasing. 350 dollars per session

Where do I get that much money from? I only deliver pizza and my salary is not even half the medical fee. That Is I have 112,761 dollars in my account and I   don't know how to pull this off. No family members to help me, I can't keep on riding around Eva's back when I'm in serious need of something.

I took my phone and dialed Frankie's number. She didn't pick at first but ended up picking in the second ring. I asked her if I could get more money from her and I will make sure to double or even triple my shifts but she couldn't help me then I ask her to help me find a job I can be doing during the day.

*One week later

"Your feet and leg muscle are the foundation of walking. To work, you need to put a foot in front of the other." The therapist in charge of her treatment said. "Balance is also crucial for walking, aside from your foot and leg exercises, it's a good idea to practice balance exercises because balance is also crucial for walking and preventing falls, and don't forget your core. Having a strong core is essential for staying balanced while working." She continued as she helps Chloe with her steps.

I still haven't seen the job I was looking for yet but Chloe was already saying her words not that clearly you can understand what she was going to say. I looked at her as she tried to take those steps one after the other, she falls every time she tries and uses the railings to get back on her feet, she doesn't wanna give up.

My phone buzzed and it was from Frankie, she wanted me to go deliver pizza at the Gutierrez mansion again. One side of me said I was going to find favor while one side of me doesn't wanna go. I put my phone back in my purse and went to assist Chloe.

Earlier that morning I had gone to pay all the money I had with me to the receptionist and promised to pay the rest when Chloe is done with her treatment. She collected the money from me and asked me a personal question "Where are your parents?" I looked at her and smiled. "If they were here then I wouldn't be here." Tears rolled down my cheek. I covered my face with my hands trying not to make her see it.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." She offered me a bar of chocolate and smiled. "You will find a way... you are very strong."

As if she knew I needed that chocolate at that time. "My parents aren't dead, I just don't know if they were about." I took the chocolate and left.

I sat down and watch as my sister practiced her steps and when she was done I told the therapist that I will take her to her room myself. Chloe sat down in her wheelchair and I took her back to her room.

"I got your favorite cake... key lime." I placed it in front of her. "Eva made that, especially for you." I smiled as I sat next to her.

She looked at me "Thank you." I heard her faint voice say.

"You will get your life back, I promise you that you will be fine." I took out the 'After' novel I was reading. "Do u want me to read this to u?" I offered.

"It's romance and it's really interesting, you will like it." I looked up to see her reaction but what caught my eyes was really funny. I giggled.

She looked at me with a 'Is she okay' type of look.

"There is the cream on your cheek." I wiped it off with a piece of cloth and took the empty plate from her. I helped her lay on her back.

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