Meet the Brother

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I stood by the door and held it open for her. She just looked at me, keeping her hands drawn towards her chest. I moved away from the door and took a step back. She left the room and followed behind me as I led her to the main room. Amenadiel had taken a seat on the couch and I kept her behind me. He stood up and she looked around me to meet his gaze.

"Heh, you do look like my brother." He said as he observed her.

"I'm not short," she said quietly as she looked back to her door.

"I did not say you were?" Amenadiel said pointing out the fact that she randomly defended herself.

She stayed silent and her gaze fell to the floor. Her left hand went up to grasp her upper right arm. She massaged her upper arm, clearly uncomfortable. Amenadiel looked at her then to me. He looked surprised. Had he known something I didn't?

"What is it?" I asked curious as to why wore a surprised look

"I was thinking that." He said to me.

People must often think she's short. Though she is quite small. It's just a coincidence she caught it this time.

"Anyway, I am your uncle. My name is Amenadiel. What's yours?" He asked her trying to get a conversation from her.

I doubted she would participate in one though. Based on how little she talked to me I doubted she'd talk to him.

"(Y/n)" she said quickly and quietly.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 14" She again, gave a single answer

"Where is your mother?" He asked gently

I hadn't asked yet. I assumed that wherever her mother was, it was a place she wouldn't want to be.

*Your P.O.V.*

"Anyway, I am your uncle. My name is Amenadiel. What's yours?" He asked you.

He was obviously trying to make it seem like Lucifer didn't tell him anything about me. It would be a good tactic if you weren't the way you were.

"(Y/n)," you said sharply.

"How old are you?" He asked.

Again, trying to make a more personal connection between you. You didn't want it. The slight connection between you and Lucifer was almost too much to handle. You didn't want another. You couldn't handle another chance.

"I'm 14," you said bluntly.

"Where is your mother?" He asked in a gentle tone.

Lucifer hadn't asked me that yet, and you were hoping he never would. You didn't want to know where she was. You didn't want to know what drugs she was huffing, or what beer she was guzzling. You didn't want to know who was knocking her up this time. You wanted to be done with her. She left you. Not that You cared, she had lost your trust and care a long time ago. The question sent you down a path of bad memories, and as much as you wanted to stay composed you couldn't. So you gave the first answer that came to your head.

"Probably out somewhere, huffin' somethin', " you said in a venomous tone.

You hadn't meant to sound like that, but beehives are better left unshaken. You could see the sadness on Amenadiel's face from the corner of your eye. you could also feel the surprise rolling off of Lucifer who was next to you as you stared down the hallway. It wasn't surprising, seeing as this was the first full sentence you had said without a sorry or dismissal.

"I'm sorry?" Amenadiel said in disbelief.

You just kept your head turned. You became worried. What you had said. How you said it. I could've angered them. I know better. I shouldn't have said that. If she comes back I'll be in trouble. You guessed you hadn't noticed, but you began to tremble a little. Your arms were back at your chest and you closed your eyes, awaiting the sting or blunt pain that was to come. It never did. For the second time, it never did.

After a moment Lucifer chuckled.

"This isn't funny, brother. Who knows what that woman is doing while you have her child. " Amenadiel stated. 

A/n Well now we know that (Y/n)'s favorite pass time is reading. Yay!! I know I don't say much in these sometimes, but I feel like they're a good way to know that an author is still alive and into the story. And that they're a good way for me to show how much I appreciate you guys for choosing to read and stick around my story. As always, have a wonderful day/evening/night.


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