What are we doing?

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Lucifer's phone pinged twice and he unlocked it. You didn't know when Linda hung up but you were too tired to care. You were beginning to feel the after-effects of your attack. You were so tired you started to sway and gentle shivers wracked your energy-deprived body. Lucifer sighed and reached out for you. When he touched you, you instinctively flinched. You didn't want to be close but you could hardly move. He pulled you to him and picked you up.

"I'll get you some water and you can take a nap. Alright?" he asked and you let yourself go slack in his arms. He set you on the bed and you curled up with your knees to your chest. After pulling the blanket over you Lucifer left to get a cup of water and a chair. He set the chair at the foot of the bed and placed the water on the floor. (no bedside table btw)

(another time skip)

*Third person P.O.V.*

Lucifer's head shot towards the door when the elevator dinged. He forgot that Amenadeil said he'd be coming over. He quietly stepped out of the room and closed the door.

"Brother!! How are you?" Amenadeil asked.

He seemed to be in a good mood.

"I'm fine. (Y/n) is sleeping by the way so keep it down." Lucifer stated calmly as he poured himself a drink.

"Sleeping? It's the middle of the day."

"Yes well-" Lucifer stopped short for a moment, wondering if it was really his business to tell.

"She hasn't been sleeping well since coming here. Too sudden a change I think" He decided it wasn't.

"Oh! Well in that case I suppose I should bring it up now" Amenadeil said, suddenly getting serious.

This is what he did. He'd greet you kindly then suddenly be a war major in a life or death situation. Lucifer sighed.

"You can't keep her Luci. You need to get her back to her mother." and there it is.

"No. She is not going back to that wretched woman." Lucifer spat.

His tone was venomous and deep. He wanted to kill her. Or at least give her some form of punishment for what she did to you. You didn't deserve that. He may not have known you but he knew that no child deserves to live the way you did to make you this way.

"Luci, she needs a mother and a responsible adult." Amenadeil tried to reason.

Lucifer glared at him. He knew where this was going.

"I didn't want to say it outright because I hoped I could reason with you" He paused "But you're not fit to be a parent. The second she becomes difficult you'll abandon her. Don't make her feel that. Don't put her through what father put you through"

Oh he didn't.

"And what would you know about what father put me through? You were up in heaven dancing around rainbows while I burned in HELL" Lucifer jeered.



Amenadiel froze. He didn't think he'd get this upset about it. Is that what this is about? He didn't want to be like dad??

There was a moment of silence where Lucifer stared at him and Amenadiel just stood there and contemplated what was going on. What was he supposed to do here? What was going on? He didn't even know anymore. What he did know was that if Lucifer was that stuck on keeping her he had to be there to make sure that she was raised decently.

He sighed and gave in.

"Alright." Lucifer had a look of triumph that he wouldn't let last long "But the second things become difficult I'm helping." Amenadiel stated sterly.

"Fine," Lucifer said.

Amenadiel nodded before he realized that neither of them knew the first step in raising a child. Let alone a teenager. They didn't know what to do from here. They sat in silence for a moment before Lucifer offered him a drink.

"You know I don't drink"

Lucifer gave him a knowing look and Amenadiel sighed before sitting next to him and taking a glass of bourbon.

We're Working on Trust Lucifer's DaughterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat