In which I have my first club meeting (7)

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*Unedited (gotta make some time to do that -.-)*

I couldn't believe I actually agreed to join the guys' club. But then, wasn't that what I wanted? To find a club?

I figured that maybe after a while, I'll be able to blend in at school and it wouldn't matter if I'm in a club.

Besides, the principal said that usually there are about ten students in a club, so I could stay quiet.

However, when clubs' hour came, I realized I was wrong about that.

I exited the classroom of the last lesson of today, when suddenly I felt an arm wrapped around me. I flinched, thinking it must be Kyle or someone else who wanted to hurt me, but then I saw that it was Wes.

"Ready for your first club meeting, Sammy-boy?" He asked, not caring that we were standing in the middle of the halls. We were getting some staring, but somehow no one even yelled at us for blocking their ways.

I cowered under the eyes that were on us, nodding in reply to Wes's question.

"Let's go then!" He said, pulling me along with him.

I was struggling to walk with his weight on me, and this time he didn't let me go until we stopped in front of a door.

Wes didn't let me a second to calm down before opening the door, dragging me inside.

"HELLO!" Wes yelled, making the boys already inside to turn to us.

One of them was Callum, and the other I didn't know. He had a tan skin, dark eyes, and black, messy hair. His handsome face was all sharp lines.

The boy smiled, showing off his white teeth as he looked at us.

"Ooh, is that Sammy?" He asked, standing up from the table he was sitting on to walk towards me.

"He's cute," He stated, making my face heat up. Wes pulled me towards him, glaring at the boy.

"Don't even think I'll let you bother him, Dom." Wes said, making the boy, Dom, smirk at him.

"I wasn't going to bother him; I was just saying he's cute." Dom defended himself, but I don't think neither Wes nor Callum were buying it.

"Whatever," Wes said, pushing Dom as he dragged me with him passed the boy.

Wes sat down on a table, while Callum was sitting in a chair. I gingerly chose a chair a bit farther away from them.

The room was class room, but the chairs were messily organized in a circle with the desks positioned around the room without an actual order.

I looked at the chairs and tried to estimate the number of students in the club, but there were so many chairs I wasn't sure they equaled to the number of students.

"You're probably wondering what we do in our club," Callum said, directing my attention to him. I nodded, not uttering a word. If they minded how quiet I was, they didn't comment on it. At least not for now.

"We don't really do anything here," Wes answered, kicking his legs, reminding me of a little kid.

I think I could tell, kind of, what kind of a person Wes was.

"Sometimes we watch a movie, and sometimes we play video games." Callum continued.

I find myself blinking at them. I thought the clubs were a place to do some sort of an educational activity.

I mumbled aloud that thought, earning a smile from Dom as he sat on a table near me.

"Yeah, we're definitely keeping him," He stated, still looking at me. My cheeks were warm again, and I cowered from their eyes.

The Bad Boys' Club (BxB)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz