Chapter 3

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For the rest of the day I ignored Brennan like he was the plague. After he said that to me at the end of class, I ran out of there as quick as I could. But before I did, I looked at his neck and saw he was wearing the ring I gave him 12 years ago but as a necklace. It brought tears to my eyes. I ran all the way to the cafeteria with tears threatening to spill. I wouldn't cry in school. I'd just wait until I got home.

When I got to the cafeteria, I saw Emma and the rest of our friends sitting at our usual table. I know what you're thinking, yes I'm shy but Emma befriended them so I grew to like them. "Hey liv. What took you so long class ended like 10 minutes ago?" "Oh yeah sorry I uh was talking to the teacher." "Goody goody already at the start of the year ey liv." Brielle teased me. So our group of friends consists of me, Emma, Brielle and Stephanie. We've been friends for 4 years now.

"Anyone see Brennan today? He's looking fiiiine." Stephanie said dragging out the i in fine. "Ask liv. She knows all about Brennan." Emma said wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Shut up. Do you actually know him?" So for the rest of lunch I explained the exact same story that I told Emma earlier. And I'll tell you something, the girls were shocked.

Before lunch was over I got a text off my mom. 'Hey sweetie. Your father and I are back from New York. I'm just texting you to tell you that we're going for dinner next door. We have new neighbours and we were invited over for dinner. I'm sure you'll be excited when we go over. Love you and have a good rest of the day x.' Ugh great now I have to socialise more😒.

The rest of the day went by fine. Thankfully I didn't have any more run ins with Brennan. When the bell rang I went to my locker, got what I needed, said goodbye to the girls and was on my way to my car. I had to take a second look when I saw who was standing at my car. None other than Brennan Cole. I couldn't muster up the courage to talk to him so I got to my car as fast as I could and got in. His face was priceless. It was like he didn't expect me ignore him. I didn't care that he was leaning against the car, I just drove away. Causing him to stumble back.

The whole ride home I was playing the scene over and over again in my head that happened 12 years ago. I just don't get why he's back now. I was fine when he was gone.
"Hey sweetie, how was school. I missed you." My mom said to me the minute I entered the house. I ran up and gave her a hug. "Hi mom. School was good, I missed you too. How was the trip?" "The trip was good sweetie. Business as usual." My dad said coming out of the kitchen. I couldn't stop myself from running and giving him the biggest hug ever. I hate it when my parents leave.

"Alright. Enough chitchat. Liv please go upstairs and get ready. I presume your teachers weren't mean enough to give you homework on your first day back. Ugh I can't believe my baby is a senior." She was trying to hold back her tears at this point. "No mom I got no homework. What should I wear? Is it casual or dressy?" "Sweetie whatever you wear you'll look beautiful. Now go get ready we're leaving in 20." That was enough to have me running up the stairs to find something to wear.

I don't know why but I had the worst feeling in my gut. I hope this night doesn't end badly.

Who else agrees with me saying that Olivia should go after Brennan???

Who do you think is their new neighbour???

Maybe someone she knows from school or someone she has never met!!!

Who do you think it is???

Let me know!!!;)

Word count: 738 words

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