Chapter 5

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"W-wait Knight this is c-crazy, I can't move in with y-you" Delilah tried one more time as they pulled into a driveway of what she assumed was Knights house. "Delilah sweetheart, I don't care. I am not letting you live in a place like that by yourself. Now come on let me show you your new home." Knight parked his truck and helped Delilah out excited that he wouldn't have to leave her now and could always make sure she was safe. "But knight what will your p-parents think." She gasped and tugged on his hand attempting to stop him. "You didn't even ask them!" Delilah filled with dread at the thought of getting kicked out of her new friend's house. "Don't be ridiculous my mom moved in with my dad two days after they met. In fact, my dad will be impressed that I beat him." He replied continuing up the large driveway. "W-what does that even mean?" Delilah asked confused about what he meant. "I'll explain later for now let me show you around, and besides my parents are on a business trip and won't be home for a few days anyway." Instead of walking to the front door like Delilah had expected Knight took her around the side. "I have a private entrance for my part of the house, it's kind of like an apartment but is still attached to the main house."
Knight led her through the door and into his "apartment" as he'd called it. "I'll give you a tour later but for now let me show you our bedroom," Knight said dragging Delilah down the hall. "O-our bedroom?" Delilah questioned. "Of course our bedroom. I'm not gonna let you sleep in this house and not be next to me. Plus whatever is mine is yours."

As much as Delilah knew this was crazy she couldn't help but feel a little excited at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as him. In an attempt to hide the blush that was covering her whole face Delilah kept her head down until they entered the bedroom. Just like the rest of the house, it was huge. Her entire apartment could fit into this one room.
"Alright baby why don't you put your bag here by the closet and then you can take a little nap," Knight said taking her small bag out of her hands. He had tried to carry it for her but she wouldn't let him and he knew he should pick his battles. "I-I don't need a nap I'm n-not that tired," Delilah said but her body betrayed her by letting out a huge yawn. Knight chuckled "sure you're not baby, but I am super tired but I think I'll need you to lay next to me to help me sleep."

Not wanting to be the reason Knight couldn't sleep Delilah agreed and tried to climb onto Knights massive bed. When she got closer to it she realized it was going to be more of a challenge than she thought the bed came up almost to her chest. Laughing again Knight came around and picked her up placing her in the bed.

"Sorry sweetheart, I didn't think about how tall this bed was until now. I've never had anyone in here but me and it's not really a problem for me." Knight made sure to place her under the blankets and tuck her in before heading back around to the other side of the bed. He had never seen a better sight than his girl in his bed. His Dad and Grandfather had told him all his life that one day he would meet a girl and know instantly that she was the one supposedly it had always been like this for the men in his family. He always thought it sounded like a curse seeing how whipped his cousins and father are around their wives, but the minute he saw Delilah he knew she wasn't a curse but an angel made just for him, there isn't anything he wouldn't do to keep her safe and happy. With that thought and a smile on his face, he got into bed and pulled his angel into him.


"Achoo!" Delilah cursed and quickly glanced to her left to see if she had woken Knight up with her sneeze. She had been trying to wiggle her way out of his arms for ten minutes now and of course just as she was making progress she would have to sneeze.

Knight was having the best sleep of his life when something woke him up. He felt something shift in his arms and he looked down to see his angel trying to escape his hold. "Where are you going, baby?" Knight asked his voice still raspy with sleep.

"O-oh I-I'm sorry I D-didn't mean to wake up, I  ju- achoo!" Delilah turned her head away to sneeze mid-sentence. The sneeze quickly turned into a small coughing fit. "Are you okay?!" Knight sat Delilah up quickly and rubbed her back until the coughing stopped. "S-sorry," Delilah said embarrassed that she just coughed all over his bed. "Shh baby don't apologize, I should have known this would happen. No more going outside until we get you a nice warm winter coat." Delilah just nodded her head and begun to try and get out of the bed. "Woah you are staying right here while I go get you some medicine," Knight said pushing her back down. "I-I have to go to the b-bathroom," Delilah said shyly. "Okay baby I'll take you."

Lifting Delilah into his arms he carried her into the bathroom and set her down in front of the toilet. When he didn't make a move to leave Delilah just stared at him. "Go ahead, baby." He said motioning with his head towards the toilet. "I-I can't go w-with you in here," Delilah said embarrassed by the thought. "But what if you need me?" Knight said reluctantly to let her go even though he knew it was irrational. "Knight that's crazy, I can g-go to the bathroom by myself," Delilah explained. "Fine but I'll be waiting right outside the door," Knight said as he made his way out of the bathroom.

Delilah did her business and didn't even finish washing her hands before Knight was opening the door and coming back in. "What do you want for dinner baby?" Knight asked wrapping his arms around her. "O-oh it's okay I'm n-not really that hungry," Delilah said knowing she couldn't afford to order something but not wanting to use his food. Living by herself the last few months she knows how expensive groceries can be.

"Delilah you have to eat dinner, especially because you are getting sick. You need to get as much strength as you can. You know what I'll just make you some soup, does that sound okay?" Knight said but instead of waiting for an answer he was already picking her up and carrying her out of the bedroom. Delilah yelped at the sudden movement but began to giggle at how silly Knight was being. Knight stopped walking for a moment and just looked at her, "that is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard." Knight's heart had never felt so full and he knew he would spend the rest of his life making her laugh just so he could hear that sound.

Delilah had just finished her last bite of soup and went to take her bowl to the sink when it was taken out of her hands. "I got it, baby, why don't you go get back in bed and pick out a movie for us to watch while I clean up." Delilah instead followed him into the kitchen. "B-but I have to c-clean up, I-it's my j-job," Delilah said confused as to why he didn't want her to clean. Her mom always expected her to clean the house, if she didn't she wouldn't be allowed to live there. "What? It's not your job. It's my job to take care of you. Now go pick a movie I'll be right up." Knight kissed her head and turned towards the sink.

Knowing the consequences of disobeying in her old house she made her way upstairs with tears in her eyes. She hadn't known Knight for even a full day yet but she really liked him, she really didn't want to leave. She crawled into the bed, well more like jumped as high as she could, and then thought of all the ways she could convince him to let her stay.

"Alright what are we watching angel baby?" Knight asked walking into the room. He had barely walked two steps when Delilah burst out in tears. "P-please d-d-don't m-make me l-leave!" Knight could hardly understand her through her sobs. "What are you talking about baby leave where?" Knight picked her up. "I-I have t-to c-clean t-the house o-or I can't s-stay but you don't want me to, so you don't want me to stay!" Delilah cried into Knights shoulder.

Knight pulled Delilah's head off his shoulder so he could see her face. He had no idea why she thought he wanted her to leave but she couldn't be any more wrong. "No baby never. I don't want you to leave. Why would you think that?" He said rubbing her back to get her to calm down. "Take deep breaths baby you're gonna make yourself even sicker."

"M-my mom s-said t-that I h-have to earn my w-way a-and if I wanted t-to live in h-her house I-I had to do everything. I thought i-it would b-be the s-same here." Delilah explained beginning to calm down knowing that he said she didn't have to leave. "No baby you don't have to do anything but let me take care of you. We will talk more about your mom later but for now, let's just get you to sleep you've had a hard day." With Delilah still in his arms, he laid them both down and drifted off to sleep.

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