Chapter 6

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Achoo! *cough cough cough*

Okay that's it Knight thought it's been a week since this cold has started and she refuses to go to the doctor. She claims it's probably allergies but he doesn't know anyone whose allergies act up in fucking winter. She kept them both up all night with this coughing shit, he doesn't care about himself but he's not letting this affect Delilah's sleep as well. He has a hard enough time as it is getting her ass to sleep, she's always excited about something.

Knight has never met anyone as cute as his Delilah. The other night she bounced around for hours because he had bought her all the Disney princess movies. He thought it would help get her into bed earlier but it just made her more excited.

Delilah walked into the kitchen while still coughing interrupting Knights thoughts. "Good morning baby, are you feeling any better?" Knight asked knowing her answer already. "I'm fine it's probably just allergies," Delilah answered before starting to cough again. Knight came over and gently rubbed her back while she continued to cough but when she finished he noticed her breathing sounded off. She was almost wheezing with every breath.

"Okay enough is enough, you are going to the doctor right now!" Knight said grabbing Delilah and leading her out to his car. The fact that she wasn't putting up a fight was even more worrying.
(A/N: I have no medical or science background so don't get mad if this isn't factual I'm just going to pretend it's true for the book.)

"Hello Ms. Healy I'm Dr. Roberts, how are you today?" Knight was at his wit's end they had been in this stupid clinic for 30 fucking minutes already and if it wasn't for him calling the head of the clinic who happens to attend the same events as his father they would probably still be in that filthy waiting room.

"Obviously not good doc or we wouldn't be here." Knight snapped still stressing over the possible illnesses his girl could have picked up just being in here. "K-knight that was rude he" she was then cut off by another coughing fit.

Rubbing her back to try and soothe her Knight looked up at the doctor again. "Tell me what is wrong with her so I can fix this." The doctor looked down at the chart that the nurse had filled out when they arrived after doing a few tests. "It appears Ms. Healy has pneumonia but I'm gonna have a quick listen to her lungs just to confirm." The doctor then looked back up to Knight "If you could just step outside for a moment I can listen to her breathing." Then turning to Delilah he said. "Would you please lift up your shirt I'm gonna place this on your back?"

"No way in hell am I leaving her in here with you trying to feel her up!" Knight said outraged at the thought of leaving Delilah alone. She was his girl and therefore it is his job to look after her not leave her alone with some pervy doctor. "I can assure you, sir, I am a professional and well-respected doctor, I have asked you to step out for privacy reasons." Dr. Roberts replied seemingly exasperated. "I-it's okay he c-can stay," Delilah said wanting to avoid any more conflict and also secretly not wanting Knight to leave either.

"Okay, then I just need you to take a few deep breaths for me, Delilah." The doctor said as he placed the stethoscope on her back. Knight hovered the whole time watching the doctor and Delilah's face to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable.

"Just as I suspected you have pneumonia, I'm going to prescribe you some antibiotics to take three times a day. I also recommend lots of rest, your case doesn't seem too severe but monitor your breathing and if it gets any worse please come back." Doctor Roberts then wrote the prescription and left the room.

"Let's get you, home baby, I'll have someone go pick up your meds for us," Knight said as he picked Delilah up and carried her out to the car.

It was the middle of the night when Delilah woke up gasping for breath. Every inhale felt like razors in her chest. Not wanting to wake up Knight she tried to get out of bed and get some water hoping that would somehow help her catch her breath, but when she started to move Knight immediately sat up. It only took him seconds to realize something was wrong.

"What happened, baby? Are you okay?" Knight asked frantically looking her over. Delilah was barely able to speak so she just clutched her throat hoping he would understand.

"Shit baby okay, I need you to try and take deep breaths for me I'm gonna grab some clothes and I'm gonna take you to the hospital okay? Just keep trying to take some deep breaths. Don't panic." Knight tried to coach her as he ran around his room grabbing clothes for himself and a sweater for Delilah. He tried to sound calm for Delilah but inside he was freaking out. Stupid fucking doctor sending her home saying it wasn't "severe" this looks pretty damn severe to him. He picked up Delilah and raced for the door.

Knight pulled up in front of the hospital and didn't even bother parking the car he just pulled up to the curb and jumped out, they could tow him for all he cared. He grabbed Delilah from the car and ran her inside where he was met with a team of doctors and nurses. Delilah had passed out by the time he got her inside. He thanked himself for thinking to call ahead while he was in the car. 

The doctors motioned for him to place Delilah on a gurney and once he did they were running away with her yelling about tests and scans. Knight couldn't understand half of what they were saying but he kept up with them as he didn't want Delilah out of his sight. It wasn't until they pushed her through a set of doors that he was stopped by a hand to his chest.

"I'm sorry sir but we can't let you back here. We have to run a few tests but we will let you know when we know something." A nurse said blocking his way to Delilah. "No, I have to go with her! What if she needs me!" Knight yelled desperate to make sure she was okay. "She is in good hands. The best thing you can do for her is to go sit down and let us do our jobs." The nurse said and with that, he walked through the doors leaving Knight alone. He knew he had to make a phone call he had been dreading since meeting Delilah. He had to call his mom.

Knight loved his parents dearly and there wasn't a doubt in his mind that they wouldn't love Delilah just as much as he does but he knew the moment they found out about her his mom would be on the next flight home to meet her and he was enjoying their alone time together. But he knew that his parents had pull in this hospital and he really needed their help, he doesn't know what he would do if he lost her.
(Phone convo K=Knight M=mom D=dad)

M-Knight! How are you? I haven't talked to you all week. Are you avoiding my calls? Wait a minute, what are you doing up this late?

K- slow down mom I'm not doing good I found my one. Her names Delilah and she is gorgeous and funny and cute and you'll lov-

M- you found your one?!? When did this happen, send me a picture! Mike get in here Knight found his one!!

D- congratulations son I can't wait to meet her.

K- ya thanks but the real reason I called is that she's sick, she woke up in the middle of the night and could barely breathe. I rushed her to the hospital but I don't know what to do. I can't lose her. She was passed out when the doctors took her and they were shouting about tests and scans but I couldn't understand it all happened so fast.

D- okay son don't worry, what hospital are you at?

K- Preston memorial

D- okay that's good. I know the chair on the board of directors, I'll go put in some phone calls while you talk to your mother.

K-thanks dad.

M- oh honey I'm so sorry I'm sure she'll be fine. I'm calling the jet right now for your father and me to come home. We should be home within 3 hours and we will come straight to you. I can't wait to meet her. I love you, Knight.

K- I love you too mom. Fly safe.
(Phone convo ended)

Knight sighed and sank down in his chair. He closed his eyes and prayed for two miracles one that his Delilah would pull through and two that his mother wouldn't scare her off when she does.

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